3rd Trimester

Any other first time young mom's2b

Hey I was just wondering if there is anyone on this board who is a first time mom to be, so we can relate to each share our experiences etc :) I know they're alot of people on here that have had kids already too, but somtimes I feel like so alone since I'm 20 and pregnent, plus I've only been out of my folks for almost a year

Re: Any other first time young mom's2b

  • With my first I was 22 and turned 23 the next month.  This time I am 27 turning 28 a few months after.  My DH and I wouldn't have it any other way.  We are thankful we had our DS young and are still pretty young even having waited almost 5 years between #1 and #2/3. 
  • Nope, I am old :) and on my second kid, but good luck to you!
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  • Hey!  This is my first baby, and I am 21 (will be 22 by the time LO gets here).  I am married, and luckily my husband shared my life views of family being the most important, so we had an 'early' start to making a family!
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    ~Big Sister (3) and Big Brother (5)~

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  • I'm 21 and pregnant with my first. 

    We youngin's seem to be the minority on this board so make sure you put your big girl panties on Stick out tongue

    however long the night, dawn will break.


  • Wow, that's a lot to take on at 20!  I'm a first time mom and I'm scared too.  I'm 31 so I haven't been home for a long time but I still have my share of freak outs.  :)
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  • J+MSJ+MS member
    I'm 21 and my H is 24. Welcome!
    "Seriously, mommy forum people are some crazy ass bitches." New Year New You
  • I was 19 when I had DD & 22 with this LO.  Been happily married for almost 4 years.  Yes, I met DH when I was 17 and a year later --We got married :). A year after that we had a baby....

    Welcome to mommyhood! :)

  • I'm 21 and expecting my first and my DH is 24. However, in my area I'm surrounded by friends I graduated high school with who are having their first kids too so it isn't that weird for me.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I'm just 20 and will be a first time Mom, DH is 23 and we couldnt be any happier!! After our first ending in a MC at 12 weeks we gave it a few months and then planned this one.
  • I'm old, very financially stable, home owner, and on my second and wouldn't have it any other way.  But, all the power to you.  Good luck!
  • So did you all plan it, or was it a surprise!!! mine was a surprise for sure, in one yr (last year) I graduated from HS, starting dating my 1st REAL b/f, got engaged, had more drama with wedding stuff etc. so moved out, eloped and found out I was PG on Dec. 31st!! :) well there goes my virginity lol


  • Congrats on your pg :) .... This is my second but with DS, I was pg when I was 19 and had him when I was 20. All the best to you mama :D

    BabyFruit Ticker image
  • imagechristsgurl:

    So did you all plan it, or was it a surprise!!! mine was a surprise for sure, in one yr (last year) I graduated from HS, starting dating my 1st REAL b/f, got engaged, had more drama with wedding stuff etc. so moved out, eloped and found out I was PG on Dec. 31st!! :) well there goes my virginity lol


    Mine was slightly a surprise but since we weren't preventing it at the time we knew it was a possibility. I actually considered going on birth control a week or two before our BFP but I guess fate had other plans.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I sure feel like the minority!  lol  I turned 22 in July and my DH will be 24 in September.  We've only been married for a year-ish (as you can see by my ticker) and Emma was not exactly planned.  It's hard to find nice moms and young moms on this board... in my opinion.


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Daisypath Anniversary tickers image
  • imagechristsgurl:

    So did you all plan it, or was it a surprise!!!

    Meh....we acted like we weren't planning it but we knew that we weren't preventing it Angel

    Got out BFP on Dec. 25th!  Best Christmas ever!!

    however long the night, dawn will break.


  • Im 19 getting ready to have my first. FI is 19 as well. Young moms are harder to find on the boards. But welcome!
  • So yeah I have 3 sister in laws and the total number of neices and nephews I have is 13 going on 14 next year!! I've taken care of some of them so I am greatful to have some experience its just gunna be werid to be a mommy I'm so use to being an auntie. When I was younger I've always wanted kids and have had people tell me that I was very good with them, which I think I am not trying to sound like I'm braging or anything...but when I got pregenent I was scared and totally didnt feel ready...and I wasnt expecting that feeling and I for awhile lied to people when they asked if I was xcited cause I wasnt I was too scared, I still am worried a little but with me being raised to pray and trust God thats what I had to do, and it helps that my husband is by my side too!! I'm so glad I have him
  • This is my first: I'm 19, DH is 30. Sometimes I feel as if it could be more scrutiny than loneliness :(
  • This is our 1st, I am 23, DH will be 25 next month and we have been married for about 2 1/2 years and it was still a little bit of a surprise! But one that we are glad to have, since we were planning on trying this year anyway... =) Good luck and I agree with PP that young moms are very hard to find on these boards...

    DD #1: BFP: 3-6-10 EDD: 11-10-10 Baby Girl Came 11-1-10
    DD #2: BFP: 8-19-18 EDD: 4-30-19
  • imagechristsgurl:

    So did you all plan it, or was it a surprise!!! mine was a surprise for sure, in one yr (last year) I graduated from HS, starting dating my 1st REAL b/f, got engaged, had more drama with wedding stuff etc. so moved out, eloped and found out I was PG on Dec. 31st!! :) well there goes my virginity lol


    Both of mine were planned!

  • imagewife1014:
    I'm old, very financially stable, home owner, and on my second and wouldn't have it any other way.  But, all the power to you.  Good luck!

    I'm young(22), very financially stable, home owner, and this is also my second!  Just because your young doesn't mean you can't be financially stable! but my DH is also 5 years older than me, has a college degree, and works in a VERY good profession!

  • im 20 and married but this is my first baby too- in fact i just had another ultrasound today and got to see him!!!! I have no idea what to expect and whats considered norman seeing that i haven't had any babies before so i know what you mean when you say you feel alone! but isn't it exciting!!!???!!!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker photo theboysanddany_zps4c74191e.jpg
  • I am 19 and Hubby is 22. I've been with him for 4years, and we have lived togethor for two. We just got married in December, and we were NOT planning on this little bundle of joy. Hubby just started at the fire department and we were hoping for the one year benefits to kick in before we started trying to have children. It's a little rocky but its not that bad. I mean we dont own our house, but thats because as soon as I get my teaching degree we are moving. No other school could beat the scholorship I was offered here, and its the only reason we havent moved yet. Other then that I dont even have to work anymore thanks to my hardworking hubby. The only bad thing is all the junk I get for my age, but I've found ways to blow most of that off. If you need any moral support just let me know!
  • imagekmeek19:
    This is my first: I'm 19, DH is 30. Sometimes I feel as if it could be more scrutiny than loneliness :(

    thats how my dh and i are- i am 20 and he turns 31 this year- we got married a year ago on aug 15th and everyone asked why we were getting married thinking that we were already pregnant- i happily said nope- and seeing as this is my first and i haven't been pregnant for a year- i proved to them that i did truly just love my dh and wanted to have a family with him...people can be very judgemental!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker photo theboysanddany_zps4c74191e.jpg
  • my husband is about almost 6 yrs older than me, but we are praying for a new and better job for him, cause his working enviorment is NOT good at all
  • J+MSJ+MS member

    I'm old, very financially stable, home owner, and on my second and wouldn't have it any other way.  But, all the power to you.  Good luck!

    I'm young(22), very financially stable, home owner, and this is also my second!  Just because your young doesn't mean you can't be financially stable! but my DH is also 5 years older than me, has a college degree, and works in a VERY good profession!

    We are young, financially stable and home owners. Not all young people are accidentally KU kids with no plan for the future!

    "Seriously, mommy forum people are some crazy ass bitches." New Year New You
  • I'm here for ya :) I'm 21 and pregnant with our first child!!
  • I'm 23, DH is 25. We'll be married for a month under 2 years when LO is born and we've owned our own home for 2 years. Oh and this is our first!

    Pregnancy Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker imageimage
  • imageJ+MS:

    I'm old, very financially stable, home owner, and on my second and wouldn't have it any other way.  But, all the power to you.  Good luck!

    I'm young(22), very financially stable, home owner, and this is also my second!  Just because your young doesn't mean you can't be financially stable! but my DH is also 5 years older than me, has a college degree, and works in a VERY good profession!

    We are young, financially stable and home owners. Not all young people are accidentally KU kids with no plan for the future!

    I agree! I am 21, so is my husband. We are financially stable and home owner as well. This is our first and LO was planned :)
  • imageJ+MS:

    I'm old, very financially stable, home owner, and on my second and wouldn't have it any other way.  But, all the power to you.  Good luck!

    I'm young(22), very financially stable, home owner, and this is also my second!  Just because your young doesn't mean you can't be financially stable! but my DH is also 5 years older than me, has a college degree, and works in a VERY good profession!

    We are young, financially stable and home owners. Not all young people are accidentally KU kids with no plan for the future!

    I'm sorry, but I have to agree. I am 24 now (as is DH), but was 22 when DD was born. We have been together since we were 16 and have been married almost 4 1/2 years. We are also very financially stable and homeowners in a nice neighborhood with good schools. It frustrates me when people assume because we are young we can't properly care for our child(ren) and that they were mistakes. That is not always the case.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
  • imagewife1014:
    I'm old, very financially stable, home owner, and on my second and wouldn't have it any other way.  But, all the power to you.  Good luck!
    Ugh, this response is drenched in pretentiousness. This isn't what she asked at all, but thanks for telling everyone how awesome you are.
  • imageJ+MS:

    I'm old, very financially stable, home owner, and on my second and wouldn't have it any other way.  But, all the power to you.  Good luck!

    I'm young(22), very financially stable, home owner, and this is also my second!  Just because your young doesn't mean you can't be financially stable! but my DH is also 5 years older than me, has a college degree, and works in a VERY good profession!

    We are young, financially stable and home owners. Not all young people are accidentally KU kids with no plan for the future!


    I'm 22 (DH is 27) and pregnant with my second.  We are financially stable college graduates and the only reason we are not home owners is because we intend to move in the next year or so.  However, I was 17 when I got pregnant and 18 when DS was born, but I was in my 3rd year of college and had been living on my own for as many years at the time.

    Congratulations on your pregnancy.  Its nice to be a young mommy!

    Baby Names - BabyNamey.com Name Badge Ticker
    Home Birthing-Breastfeeding-Cloth Diapering-Baby Wearing-CoSleeping-Delayed/Selective Vaccination Mama to Charlie (5yrs) and Madeline (21mos)
  • Did any of you guys get a 4D ultra sound or professinal materinty pics

  • imageBlessedMommy723:

    I'm old, very financially stable, home owner, and on my second and wouldn't have it any other way.  But, all the power to you.  Good luck!

    I'm young(22), very financially stable, home owner, and this is also my second!  Just because your young doesn't mean you can't be financially stable! but my DH is also 5 years older than me, has a college degree, and works in a VERY good profession!

    We are young, financially stable and home owners. Not all young people are accidentally KU kids with no plan for the future!

    I'm sorry, but I have to agree. I am 24 now (as is DH), but was 22 when DD was born. We have been together since we were 16 and have been married almost 4 1/2 years. We are also very financially stable and homeowners in a nice neighborhood with good schools. It frustrates me when people assume because we are young we can't properly care for our child(ren) and that they were mistakes. That is not always the case.

    She is age discriminatory! She always writes negative things about young mothers. I am a young mother as well I own my own business and I go to school to become a school teacher. Age has nothing to do with it I know a lot of people that are her age and not financially stable, don't own a home. It just depends on the person not the age.

  • J+MSJ+MS member

    Did any of you guys get a 4D ultra sound or professinal materinty pics

    I didn't. We didn't do the 4D because we still wanted something to be a surprise since we found out the sex. and I didn't do maternity pics because If I'm going to spend a fortune on pictures, I'd rather it be on pictures of my daughter...not me all fat and uncomfortable. lol

    "Seriously, mommy forum people are some crazy ass bitches." New Year New You
  • Um, I think I'm playing devil's advocate here but what if she meant to say that she is happy that she didn't have kids until she was older, happy that she is financially stable, and happy that she has a home. I see it more as her way of saying she is happy with the way her life turned out.

    I'm actually fairly sure she didn't mean it to say that she thinks that just because we are young that we can't be financially stable or home owner's or that we are all making mistakes by having kids now but she is just saying she is happy with her life and if we are too then good for us.

    ETA: I didn't do any 3D or 4D ultrasounds because ultrasounds kind of freak me out when I look at them (though I understand their necessity) and I wouldn't waste money on standing for pictures of me being really big from pregnancy when the entire time I would be miserable because I'm big and pregnant. I suffered through my engagement pictures almost in tears (due to needing my gall bladder out not my fiance at the time) and I never want to do that again.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagegirlintheworld:
    I'm old, very financially stable, home owner, and on my second and wouldn't have it any other way.  But, all the power to you.  Good luck!
    Ugh, this response is drenched in pretentiousness. This isn't what she asked at all, but thanks for telling everyone how awesome you are.

    Yes  Perfect way to describe this comment!

    I was just over 23 when I had DD#1, 24 with DD#2 and am now 27 and will be 27 when I have DS.  We went through rough financial times right after DD#1 was born because DH switched careers (That now has totally paid off) and I quit working to raise my children.  We are just now in the process of buying a house because we felt it was important to pay off debts first.  Up until now we have been living in a two bedroom apartment.  But I would do it all over again because we have learned so much from the experiences we've had, and we will have that much extra time later on with our kids and grand kids to spoil them!

  • I didnt get materinty pics, done but I did do a 4D U/S that was fun!! But some people that get maternity photos done I look at them and are like aww then when someone wants to take a picture I freak out a lil unless its not a bare belly pic then I'm okay but I have two pics of my bare bump on my facebook, and I'm honestly thinking about getting rid of them cause it makes me uncomfortable with them up there.


    But maybe I'm just self conscious

  • imageAnonymi:

    Um, I think I'm playing devil's advocate here but what if she meant to say that she is happy that she didn't have kids until she was older, happy that she is financially stable, and happy that she has a home. I see it more as her way of saying she is happy with the way her life turned out.

    I'm actually fairly sure she didn't mean it to say that she thinks that just because we are young that we can't be financially stable or home owner's or that we are all making mistakes by having kids now but she is just saying she is happy with her life and if we are too then good for us.

    ETA: I didn't do any 3D or 4D ultrasounds because ultrasounds kind of freak me out when I look at them (though I understand their necessity) and I wouldn't waste money on standing for pictures of me being really big from pregnancy when the entire time I would be miserable because I'm big and pregnant. I suffered through my engagement pictures almost in tears (due to needing my gall bladder out not my fiance at the time) and I never want to do that again.

    See I would agree with that, but she always says age discriminatory things! So I know that she was being a smart ass! 

  • imagerochella:

    I'm a 22 year-old college graduate, grad student, a home owner, self-employed, and financially stable married woman.  I certainly feel old. 

    My pregnancy was still unplanned, however. 

    I'd judge me for the latter rather than my age.

    I'd actually judge you mostly on the first part and if anything, I would only find being a grad student at 22 impressive. But to me that list makes you put together and with a good head on your shoulders.

    The latter really just makes me think oh well that's life. One of my SILs had her second and third child and both were unplanned. Does that mean that she is a terrible mother to them or completely unorganized or much of anything at all? Not at all, it just meant that those girls were more of a surprise than her first child.

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