3rd Trimester

new clothes at 35 weeks....?

Anyone have to buy any last minute maternity clothes?  Mine are so uncomfortable....but I don't need them for much longer!  I was considering swinging by motherhood maternity and trying to find something on the sale rack.

I have to wear business attire to work, so the yoga pant/t-shirt won't work for me (although it is WONDERFUL on the weekends!!).


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Re: new clothes at 35 weeks....?

  • I hit a growth spurt and had to as well so I just picked up a few things on clearance rack. I have to wear office attire as well and the yoga pants just wouldnt have cut it with my boss. Just make sure not to spend too much : ) 
  • my clothes are uncomfortable too but i refuse to invest any more money in clothing --- especially since you'll only wear them for a few more weeks. Lucky for me, I can get away with wearing jeans or leggings to my office so I will be in in leggings and t-shirts with big sweaters for another 4 weeks...

    If you do buy something, I say stick to the sale/clearance rack. 


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  • I had to buy new clothes at 35 weeks with both of my past pregnancies... it stinks!!!  You could just buy a few things to tide you over.
  • I had to buy a few things a few weeks back and was so reluctant to do so. However, I went to Motherhood and bought their black work capris ($20) and I absolutely love them! Cheap and a good pair of work pants to get you through the summer. I also went to the outlets by my house and stopped in Ann Taylor Loft and just picked up items in a Large (i'm usually a medium pre-pregnancy) and know that I will be able to get away with these items during and after the pregnancy.
  • Sale rack all the way.  All you really need is a good pair of pants and enough tops to last a week..  I'm now 39 weeks, none of my lazy maternity clothes fits anymore and I just had to sit and cry the other day...  Oh the joys..
  • With the change in season you can probably get some great stuff of the sale racks!
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