Just wanted to share a fun tip that your iPod is handy for timing contractions (I've been using mine all morning now!).
I have the nano, but the feature is on them all I think.
Go to your Menu - select Extras - Select Stopwatch
It keeps a log as well. I write it down too incase I accidentally was to delete the log. It shows what time they started and how long they were for.
Re: TIP: Use your iPod to time contractions
I downloaded a contraction counter app to my Droid. It keeps up with how long they are and how far apart they are.
My friend downloaded this for her ITouch, and she said I could borrow hers if I need it:)
Sweet! I have a nano and we'll have it with us for music during labor! Great idea!
Sounds like you are contracting over there! Best of luck!! ::Super easy labor dust:: for you!