I have always wanted to rescue a lost or stray dog. When I lived in VA, I had a few chances. One skiddish jack russell terrier had a collar and a tag with a phone number and when I went to get my phone from my car to call the owner- the dog ran off. "Never again" I thought to myself. So I bought a bag of dog treats just to leave in my glove box should the opportunity present itself again.
Recently, I moved out to TX. Not long after I settled in, there was a tiny pomeranian twittering down a country road behind our neighborhood and I saw my second genuine opportunity to rescue a lost/stray dog. I pulled over and tried to help but that damn dog would not come anywhere near me. So I left it a lid full of water and some treats and we parted ways.
Yesterday, I was teaching a group massage workshop at the local fitness center. The only people that were there were in my class. As we were a fixin' to leave, one of the husbands asked if anyone knew who this little black dog was outside. We all went to the door to see a tiny little face backed into the corner of the building trying to get out of the rain/inside the fitness center. No one could identify this sad little critter. All we could guess was the thunder storm scared her away from her family. Surely someone is missing this dog. We couldn't just let her spend the night in the rain and possibly get hit my a car or mauled by a Texan predator.
She was so sweet and gentle and I asked her if she wanted to go for a ride. She jumped right into my car. I told one of the wives of the group "My DH is going to kill me for bringing this dog home, but we can't leave her out here." I called DH on the way home and broke the news that I infact had finally rescued a lost dog. DH was at our neighbor's house enjoying a few cold ones so he was in a more agreeable mood than I expected. Our other neighbor's dog Louie was out wandering around and the Little Black Dog I brought over didn't seem to like Louie. Louie's mom helped me call the vet on the rabies tag and leave a message with the tag number and my phone number. Hopefully someone will call today with the owner's information. So after the "okay" from the DH. I took the Little Black Dog back to our house and gave her some water and food.
She wasn't starving, which makes me think she hasn't been on the street very long. She did however, growl at my dog, Mugsy, a lot. Our poor little Mugsy is the sweetest/dumbest dog you will ever meet and she does not cope well when other dogs do not like her. She layed flat to the floor and kept looking at the Little Black Dog and sighing as if saying "Why, why don't you like me? I just want to be your friend!" Regardless, Little Black Dog did not like her and thus, Little Black Dog was confined to Mugsy's cage while DH, Mugsy and I retired to bed.
About 2 hours later the whining started. Then the yipping. Then the pathetic little cries of a sad puppy in a strange environment away from home. So to try and get as much sleep as possible, I go over and sleep on the couch next to the puppy and turn on a night light. For those of you who haven't slept on a couch while 8.5 months pregnant- I don't recommend it. Bathroom breaks are much harder to figure out in your new surroundings. There are also exciting, new things to stub your toe on or trip over. After 4 awkward bathroom breaks and what seemed like 20 minutes of actual rest, DH comes in and kisses me on the forehead and says he's off to work. Fantastic. It's morning time.
I've always wanted to rescue a lost dog. It's something we would not be able to do once LO is here because I won't have any extra attention to give. And it's definitely something we can't do once LO is a bit older because he would get attached to the dog and what not. So the way I see it, this was the one and only chance I would have at rescuing a lost dog. Now the investigation begins to find the owners or a no-kill shelter to take her to. Then I will feel good about scratching this off my bucket list.
Re: NBR: Brought a lost dog home last night (long)
"We like nothing better than buffing our Zygoma. And imagining a horny time traveling long overcoat purple scarf wearing super sleuth nordic legend fuck fantasy. Get to work on that, internet." Benedict Cumberbatch
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Just took our new friend to a local animal shelter. They will wait 5 days for an owner to come forward, and then she goes up for adoption. The vet tech on duty said she's barely 2 years old, so that rabies tag on her collar (the only means of attempting to find her owner) that expired in 2006 . . . not hers. So it looks like she is well on her way to finding a happy new home where she can be the center of attention and live happily ever after.
DonnaAndJay's Bucket List:
- Rescue lost dog: CHECK.
- Perform heimlich maneuver in a crowded restaurant, preferrably on some super grateful celebrity: NOT YET
- Know all the answers in a Jeopardy category: PROBABLY NEVER