.. that says THIS IS IT! Yesterday evening irregular contractions started.. I went for a walk, bounced on the ball.. nothing really changed them so I went to bed. I woke up all throughout the night with bad period-like cramps, again.. nothing timeable. Went for a walk this morning, still feeling the cramps but that's it. Sigh. Everyone keeps telling me "oh you'll KNOW" when its time.. and I'm sure they're right.. I just hate all of these false hopes! I know technically I still have 2 weeks left.. I don't know how the overdue ladies do it!!!
Re: I just want a giant flashing neon sign..
This has happened to me so many times it is almost comical. Almost every 2 or 3 days I think...this is it, but nope not yet! I'm starting to feel like the pregnant lady that cried wolf.