I just wanted to say that I love my Avent hand pump. I haven't used anything else so nothing to compare it to but it has worked so well right from the start. I just woke up with so much milk in my boobs and a DS who was sound asleep so I started pumping and in less then 5 minutes later had 5 ounces.
If anyone is in need of a pump - I highly recommend this one. Aside from the pump itself being so great, their milk storage is reuseable containers that turn into bottles themselves. You don't even need to spend the money on buying so many Avent bottles.
Re: Product Rave from 0-3: Avent Pump
The electric Isis Duo is on rollback for $182 at walmart right now - got one of these!
You must be looking at the wrong item. They cost about $40 and I've seen them go on sale for as little as $25.