3rd Trimester

Baby dropped already???

I am only 33 weeks, and I noticed today that I am carrying much lower than even just yesterday.  My high bump has shifted downward and I now have quite a bit of space between my bust and the top of my bump.  Does this seem really early to drop?  My first dd never "dropped", so I don't have anything to compare it to.
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Re: Baby dropped already???

  • I dropped at 29 weeks this time, was worried it was a bad sign.  OB just said it doesn't make much difference except when you do start active labor it may goes faster if your LO is already dropped so low. 
    Snuggling after a nap! Claira 2 yrs and Sophia 11 months Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • I feel like I've already dropped also!!! I'm hoping labor goes faster then last time!
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  • I think I started to drop around 31/32 weeks. All of a sudden there was space under my boobs again and I could feel ribs for the first time in ages! Now at 35 weeks I can see ribs and even some muscle grooves above the bump, and the shape of my bump has changed, and my lower abdomen has really grown right above my crotch. Her head is definitely lower and I can feel it. Interestingly, my pelvis was quite uncomfortable between 31-34 weeks but there has been much less discomfort and aching over the past week or so. When she first started to drop down was very uncomfortable.
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