It used to be that glass bottles were the only ones that were BPA free. Now they really only sell BPA free bottles. I thought about getting glass, but decided against it when I remembered that babies love to throw things including their bottles once they learn to hold them on their own. Oh...and glass bottles will last forever while you should replace plastic ones evyer 6 months to 1 year depending on condition and use.
I have the glass Dr. Brown ones as reccommended through a friend, but as our babes hasn't made an appearance, I haven't used them yet. I think my friend has only had one break on her. I'm thinking I'll get those water bottle covers to put over them when our little guy is at the throwing stage.
I just bought some of the plastic ones today, I was looking more for features (less likely to cause gas, bubbles, colic, etc). I think it's all preference, but I'll probably get glass to experiment
We got glass ones at our shower. I'm going to BF so we aren't going to be using them too much, but I think the pump I want comes with plastic bottles. I used plastic with my son (who was on meds for the first 7 months of his life so I couldn't only BF). I guess I'm just going to see how DD does with them (gas, colic, ect).
Re: glass vs plastic bottles
I do know people who use glass (and have toddlers) who claim they've never broken one...
they are heavy but they're also, from what I've seen more durable.
(I don't think we've quite decided yet :-)
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We got glass ones at our shower. I'm going to BF so we aren't going to be using them too much, but I think the pump I want comes with plastic bottles. I used plastic with my son (who was on meds for the first 7 months of his life so I couldn't only BF). I guess I'm just going to see how DD does with them (gas, colic, ect).