According to "The Pregnancy Bible" at 32 weeks gestation, my baby is sleeping 90-95% of the day. But I'm feeling movement a LOT more than 5-10% of the day, so does that mean LO is moving around in his sleep? Or is my little guy an insomniac?
That is a good question. But the sleep is broken up and they move in between wake/sleep as well as sleep cycles. Plus just general position changing to get comfy! Gotta fluff up that pillow!
I have been wondering this as well! I've had issues with insomnia for my entire life and I was starting to worry that my poor baby would be cursed with the same issue. I do however feel a lot of movements that remind me of how people will "twitch" when they are in a deep sleep so I wonder if that is what she is doing. I'm curious to see if anyone knows the answer to this question for sure!
i believe so, today we had a 4D ultrasound, and she was obviously sleeping but i could feel her little movements still the whole duration of the ultrasound.
When I went for my 3D/4D, the guy told us that babies tend to actually be very still when they are awake because they are trying to listen and pay attention to what's going on around them.
Now, he's not a doctor, but the information made a lot of sense!
Re: Do "inside babies" move in their sleep?
Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
Claire Zoe, 10.26.10
When I went for my 3D/4D, the guy told us that babies tend to actually be very still when they are awake because they are trying to listen and pay attention to what's going on around them.
Now, he's not a doctor, but the information made a lot of sense!