3rd Trimester

I think it's almost time!

Well, I woke up feeling sick this morning, and have been having sporatic contractions, and what is my husband doing?  He's nesting.  Running around the house cleaning, doing laundry, and putting our cradle together LOL!  He is convinced that LO will be here tomorrow.  I just hope it's not a false alarm because my mom could not be convinced to wait at home until we are sure, so she is on her way and should be here in about 2 hours.  Wish me luck!

 Almost forgot, DH is also quoting everything from our birthing class and asking if I was even paying attention!  Hahaha 


Re: I think it's almost time!

  • Awe, good luck. I hope this is it. It is so cute that your Dh is nesting.  I hope my Dh starts nesting before our lo comes.
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  • imagemyself1nme:

    Well, I woke up feeling sick this morning, and have been having sporatic contractions, and what is my husband doing?  He's nesting.  Running around the house cleaning, doing laundry, and putting our cradle together LOL!  He is convinced that LO will be here tomorrow.  I just hope it's not a false alarm because my mom could not be convinced to wait at home until we are sure, so she is on her way and should be here in about 2 hours.  Wish me luck!

     Almost forgot, DH is also quoting everything from our birthing class and asking if I was even paying attention!  Hahaha 

    I just laughed - as this sounds exactly like what my DH would do!!!

    Good luck, looks like you may be seeing your LO before your anniversary after all!

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  • How exciting! I hope this really is it for you! I wish my dh would start nesting. :)
  • YH sounds adorable, I hope mine is kinda the same way when its our time. Good luck, let us know if its labor or just falsies.

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  • I know I'm not supposed to be here but this post brought back so many memories from having my daughter.  My water started leaking in Michaels (the craft store) and my contractions went from sporatic to every 3 minutes.  We got home to get our bag and call the on-call to let him know I was coming (I was only 36 weeks) and my husband was like "We can't go! It hasn't been 45 minutes! The birthing class teacher said 45 minutes! I'm going to mow the lawn" so he's outside mowing the lawn and I am "hee hee hee hoooooo"ing behind mind swearing at him.  Our neighbors are like "Dude. Your wife's in labor" and he was like "I know but I MUST mow the lawn!!!!"
    mr & mrs || 11.18.06
    DD born 07.06.09 || DS born 01.24.11 || Bean 3.0 due 11.16.12
  • Sounds like my husband, hehe!


    Good luck too!

  • imageMrsBarkel2B:
    I know I'm not supposed to be here but this post brought back so many memories from having my daughter.  My water started leaking in Michaels (the craft store) and my contractions went from sporatic to every 3 minutes.  We got home to get our bag and call the on-call to let him know I was coming (I was only 36 weeks) and my husband was like "We can't go! It hasn't been 45 minutes! The birthing class teacher said 45 minutes! I'm going to mow the lawn" so he's outside mowing the lawn and I am "hee hee hee hoooooo"ing behind mind swearing at him.  Our neighbors are like "Dude. Your wife's in labor" and he was like "I know but I MUST mow the lawn!!!!"



  • Hahaha!  Yeah, at least he wasn't mowing the lawn.  Unfortunetally the baby is not here yet.  I had steady contractions all day yesterday that eventually got to 3-5 min apart, but I was concerned that I was still feeling little to no pain.  DH being my loving worry wart that he is called our Dr.'s office at 3AM and explained to them what was going on.  The nurse on call told us to head to the hospital right away.  I insisted on taking a shower first, but then we went in.  When I got there the nurses were really nice, but after admitting me to triage explained that I should wait until they are 2-3 min apart and hurt so bad I can't walk or talk during them.  The Dr. there was not so nice.  He gave me total attitude like "why are you wasting my time" and flew through my exam and sent me home.  The nurse said that it could go on like this for a couple more days.  The worst part is, the contractions aren't even doing much.  I am still dialated to a 1 (since last week) but am now 50% effaced.  Now we're just praying that things progress quickly.  I was doing OK still being pregnant until we went in last night, now I'm ready for him to be out!  If he does not come today, my little sister won't get to meet her first nephew until at least Laborday weekend because she is going to college tomorrow on the other side of the state :(


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