3rd Trimester

Getting LO to drop

If your baby has dropped, around when did it happen? Mine hasn't moved an inch! My ribs are abnormally high and my LO is super high (which has kept me measuring 5 weeks ahead). Since he is getting so much bigger, it is getting really difficult to breath. Does anyone have any exercise recommendations that make help to get him to drop?
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Re: Getting LO to drop

  • I dropped a month ago.....no clue how or why, but pretty early.  I'm glad I can breathe much easier this time around but dang everytime I have a contraction it feels like this baby is going to fall out of my rear!
    Snuggling after a nap! Claira 2 yrs and Sophia 11 months Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • I dropped a week or so ago and believe me it just comes with different pains. I now have numbness and pain in my lower abdomen and the top of my thighs. No fun.
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  • Went for a 2+ mile hike about 3 weeks ago, and I dropped a few days after that.  Let me warn you, just because it drops, doesn't mean you won't be any less uncomfortable!
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