I'm 37 weeks as of today. Last Monday, I had my first internal where I was told my cervix had started to soften, was 2cm dilated, and baby was head down. I then had my show and lost my mucus plug on Tuesday. Last Thursday night I started to have on-again off-again prelabour that continued throughout the weekend. I had contractions, lose and often BM, upper thigh numbness that never went longer than 4 hours and wasn?t very consistent. The contractions did grow in strength each day but otherwise never amounted to anything.
Today I had another doctor?s appointment where they affirmed the baby is doing well (still heads down) and I could go into labour any day as this prelabour is just a sign that my body is getting ready. I know that this could last another 4 weeks. My doctor said that next week they?ll offer me another internal exam and would also manually stretch my cervix. She indicated that it definitely won?t be pleasant feeling to have this done and is up to me. Has anyone had their cervix stretched? Is this normal as part of internals later in pregnancy? Did you help or potentially help you go into labour?
Thanks for the advice!
Re: Prelabour and stretching of cervix?
Im almost there, the doctor said any moment could be, because the baby is head down and ready.
but I have an appointment this wednesday and he said he would examine me. So i guess he would do what you said. but today im feeling like the baby is pulling down and its hard to be stand.
I will be looking forward to hear that my cervix is ready!
but the best recomendation yet has been to walk and walk , slowly but walk.
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