3rd Trimester

Inspiration Registries

I've looked at my previously pregnant friends' registries to see what they registered for. And I've typed in a few common names and randomly looked through strangers registries to make sure I'm not missing anything.

Have you found any inspiration registries on BRU or Target? Share with the class.

Re: Inspiration Registries

  • The only things I registered for that I found on others' registries = stroller hooks (for shopping bags/purses)

    Everything else seems to be in the norm. What about you?

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
  • imageOctoberBabyH:

    The only things I registered for that I found on others' registries = stroller hooks (for shopping bags/purses)

    Everything else seems to be in the norm. What about you?

    That damn seahorse was on like 5 of my friends' registries. I guess it is really cool.

    I think I'm just feeling unprepared and we probably have everything he needs but I feel like I'm forgetting something important. And I want to make sure it's on the registry before we get the completion coupon in a few weeks.

    ::runs to add stroller hooks::

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  • imageDonnaAndJay:

    The only things I registered for that I found on others' registries = stroller hooks (for shopping bags/purses)

    Everything else seems to be in the norm. What about you?

    That damn seahorse was on like 5 of my friends' registries. I guess it is really cool.

    I think I'm just feeling unprepared and we probably have everything he needs but I feel like I'm forgetting something important. And I want to make sure it's on the registry before we get the completion coupon in a few weeks.

    ::runs to add stroller hooks::

    I hear ya - being first timers, we're a little in the dark, I suppose. And I totally have that damn seahorse on mine, too! :)

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  • Another girl I've worked with before sent me hers since she has a 4-month old, and I got a couple ideas from it but not a whole lot. I think the registry guides online and in books are pretty good already! But the idea of typing in common names to see what others have listed is a good one...depends on your style too, of course!

    He's growing up, but he'll always be my baby!


    ...big brother to...???? Due March 2014!

  • Seahorse???  Oh no!  I feel bad for my LO - (and husband, etc.) as I have no idea what you gals are talking about...

    Help a sister out here - whatcha talking about?


  • imageJenZuanich:

    Seahorse???  Oh no!  I feel bad for my LO - (and husband, etc.) as I have no idea what you gals are talking about...

    Help a sister out here - whatcha talking about?





    That's the blue one and they have it in pink as well.


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
  • Off to add the Seahorse of awesomeness to my registry!  (He's like a pimped-out glowworm!)

  • I just added the seahorse, too!
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