3rd Trimester

S/O things that make me cry...

We saw Dinner for Schmucks yesterday and the beginning is like a video montage set to music of pics people have put up on FB.  They showed a little snapshot of tiny baby feet.

Just that one image totally hit me and made me emotional--passed quickly, no real tears, but it's amazing how crazy stuff like that gets to me right now!

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Re: S/O things that make me cry...

  • This video on FB made me cry

    ETA: Stupid link didn't work.. but it was of military families making a suprise appearance coming home from overseas.. I cried the whole video.


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  • I watched the last episode of The West Wing yesterday.  When Jed opens the gift from Leo's daughter and it's the napkin Leo had written "Bartlet for America" on (which started Jed's path to becoming president), I totally and completely lost it.  I was a sobbing mess within a second or two. 

    I really want Jed Bartlet to be real and be a for real president.  The same goes for David Palmer. 




    Unable to even.  


    You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK.  Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.

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  • I went to see Toy Story 2 a couple of weeks ago and totally lost it! I had to leave! When the little girl left her toys behind in the rain it seemed so sad to me.  I was with my sister and she has never been around a pregnant person and was in complete shock.

    Then on a seperate note: I have a rash on my stomach (doc says it's just a preg rash) my sister wanted to see it and was just amazed at my stomach. She was like "Where did your belly button go? Weird!" I felt like such a freak show my sis and mom just kept looking at my stomach in aww.

  • I got a brochure in the mail for Royal Caribean Cruises, and I started tearing up. I have no clue why. Maybe because part of me misses when I was younger with no babies. Dont get me wrong.. I love my baby(ies), I just know that it is different now. And that DH and I will probably not go on a vacation like that for a long time.
  • imageFishNchips1:

    This video on FB made me cry

    ETA: Stupid link didn't work.. but it was of military families making a suprise appearance coming home from overseas.. I cried the whole video.

    I know what video you are talking about, and I sobbed like a baby!

  • imageFishNchips1:

    This video on FB made me cry

    ETA: Stupid link didn't work.. but it was of military families making a suprise appearance coming home from overseas.. I cried the whole video.

    here ya go! I knew exactly which one you were talking about, I bawled like a baby when I saw it!! *WARING LADIES..YOU WILL CRY..lol*


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