3rd Trimester

Crazy Comments

Just out of curiosity, what are some of the craziest, off the wall, and yes: rude things that people have said to you about being pregnant?

Re: Crazy Comments

  • My coworker told me that my butt has gotten bigger.  Really?!?  A woman NEVER wants to hear that, pregnant or not!  I totally called her out on it!  Another coworker passed by me and said, "Wow, you're getting fat!"  Now, I know she meant it in a nice way, but c'mon folks!  How about a little tact in choosing your words!  "showing" is a much nicer way to say "fat"!  It's like all etiquette goes out the windown the second people know you're pregnant.  Ridiculous!
  • I don't mind people telling me I look big or huge or whatever.  However, I was very unhappy with a co worker who said, "You have a lovely pregnancy glow and your face is looking rounder and fuller."  Um, thanks, but there is no baby in my face so please refrain from commenting on anything on my body unless it is my belly!
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  • A pregnant friend of mine was called a "tub of lard" by a coworker of hers. The coworker laughed, like it was a joke. My friend didn't think it was funny and flipped her the bird. LOL. I love my friend.
    The two men in my life. Oh, and I have a husband too...
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  • I love your friend too! Smile Why is it that weight is the first thing that people comment on? We are pregnant! Weight gain is going to happen. My BFF made a comment about my weight that I called her on. She apologized and things are fine. But seriously people: weight gain comments are punishable by death. We are pregnant and hormonal and not a jury in the land would convict us. ESPECIALLY if there are any mothers on the jury.
  • This morning a lady in my office came to up to me and asked how I was feeling. I told her ok, but I am ready to have my baby. She said yeah. Then she told me it looks like I am starting to retain water in my face. Oh, how nice!
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  • i am constantly getting comments about my size.  it doesn't help that i'm around a lot of teenagers.  but for me, the craziest things i've heard have come from my father.  he thinks he knows everything so is constantly giving me advice on labor, delivery, and breastfeeding.  his latest and greatest..."you should just take your own pain meds to delivery"...yea since all i have is tylenol.  what does he think i have that would help?  i guess i should say that my dad does have some heavy duty pain meds that were not prescribed to him but i do not intend on "borrowing" meds and thought it was crazy that he suggested it like it was normal occurrence.
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    Currently going through our second deployment. Can't wait for Zoe to meet her daddy!

  • My mom keeps insisting I not raise my arms over my head (for fear the umbilical cord wraps around the neck). <-- crazy.

    The lady who works the paint department at Lowes felt the need to touch my belly and go on for 10 minutes about how she wished her daughter would spit out a grandkid already, then biitched about all the bad decisions said daughter has made in recent years. <--- off the wall.

    If one more person asks me not to pop in their store/restaurant/house, then when I tell them I still have like a month and a half left they bug eye me and say "Sure there's not two in there??" I will scream. <--- so rude.

  • Since I am obese to begin with, my mom told me a couple of months ago that she couldnt tell I was pregnant by looking at me, except for my nose, which has gotten wider and fatter looking. Thanks mom.

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    If one more person asks me not to pop in their store/restaurant/house, then when I tell them I still have like a month and a half left they bug eye me and say "Sure there's not two in there??" I will scream. <--- so rude.


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  • I've gotten the "Wow, you've gotten biiiiig!" from my FIL a few times, but he hasn't said anything lately...which I'm very thankful for.  He also has kept saying, "You know why babies love the swings so much right?  Because they're used to the movements the mother makes."  ...um, thank you for informing me, but I'm pretty sure I knew that before you told me.

    The most rude and irritating thing I've gotten..."She is SO going to be born in September!  You just wait and see!"  Um, thanks...but I seriously hope not.  My family has a history of bad premature births, and I really don't want to hear these kinds of things.  I did tell my friend this, and that it really stresses me out because I start to think about the problems that could be associated with preemies and for her to please not say it anymore...but she still mentions it which is why I haven't seen her in so long (and we live a few houses away).

    The other day though, she was driving home from work and was driving by while I was out grabbing the mail.  She seen me and said, "Wow, you look so miserable!"  No...I was not miserable...I just woke up from a long awaited day of sleep!  It made me a little upset because I had to repeat myself again.

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  • i've gotten a few comments, but honestly? yesterday i must have just been in a bad mood, because I went to church, and after the service, went to the restroom (no shock there,) and then was walking back to my family when some old-ish woman (60's  maybe?) whom I have never seen before and who was at least 10 feet away from me in the foyer area of the church practically yells, "When are you due?"

    i mean, yeah, it was church, but I still didn't know who she was.  i just gave her the date and kept walking, but i really wanted to just yell back, "who the hell are you?"

    which is not appropriate in church.

    about two hours later a guy in front of me in the supermarket line asked when I'm due, and i was mildly annoyed for about 3 seconds, because he said his wife is due with their first the following week.  So he gets a pass.  (And he was doing shopping for his wife.  Lucky lady!)

    i think i just don't like strangers talking to me.

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  • My worst so far was one BIL asking if I could still play my violin or does my double chin get in the way??

    But my other BIL is a bit more tactful. My SIL (his wife) is having their third next Monday (can't wait! New baby!) and yesterday he said to me, "You're looking quite pregnant." Which seemed a little stupid at the time, so I said "Yup, that'll happen." He then complimented me on how I looked (something about only belly weight, which is not at all the case but thanks, BIL!) instead of saying something stupid. It was a nice break from all the crazy comments.

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  • a customer at my work told me i was getting 'beefy'

    and another lady i know said "are you having a girl?" i said no a boy .. she lifts up my shirt looks at MY BUTT and said "it looks like your having a girl!"

    and those are just a couple.


  • I get the opposite weight comments. I hear "OMG, you're so small! Are you sure the baby is okay in there?! I told you that vegetarian diet isn't good for you. You should eat meat... It's better for the baby." Yeah, okay crazy people.  I'm eating a veggie burger, salad, and baked potato and you're eating two Whoppers, large fry, and milkshake. I really don't think I'll take your advice...

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