I am 37w and a couple days. I am showing no signs of labor and was only 1 cm dilated at 36w1d. My mom called today to tell me that she is coming to my house on Tuesday to help with some of the running I have to do that day. I told her not to bother. I have to take my stepdaughter 45 minutes from our house to drop her off, then return the 45 minutes home. About an hour later, I need to leave for the 45 minute trip to my doctors appointment, and the 45 minute return trip. Then a few hours later, I need to drive the 45 minutes to go pick my stepdaughter up. We are going to stay 2-3 hours before making the 45 minute trip home. I told my mom I will be fine. She is arguing that it is too much driving and she will either be there first thing in the morning to take my stepdaughter or she will be picking her up in the evening and bringing her home the next day. My argument is that she won't even get to bed until at least midnight on Monday and then she would have to get up by 6:30 on her day off to come drop my stepdaughter off. The place where I am dropping stepdaughter off is in the middle of nowhere, an hour from the hospital where I plan to deliver (but the hospital is 45 minutes from my house anyhow). I think the fear is that I will go into labor in the car on the way to drop off/pick up and have to deliver at the nearest hospital which is 20 minutes away and no one really wants that. So, who is right and how do I convince my mom not to show up at my house at the crack of dawn on Tuesday?

Re: Help settle an argument
I have instructions that after 34 weeks, I should stay within 50 miles of the hospital(I'm thinking that is about the distance you are traveling, correct?).
I, honestly, would take your mother up on her offer, unless you wanted some bonding time with your step-daughter. I hate driving, though.
If I were that far along, I think I would want my mom to help out. I hate driving all over the world anyways. Emergancy labor's aren't really that common (as far as I know).
I think you should find a new place to live that's not 45 minutes away from everything
Or you can just tell her that a friend offered to drive you everywhere and she doesn't need to wake up so early on her day off.
I would tell her this. I'm in pretty much the same place with my mom and I don't want her to end up burnt out.