3rd Trimester

ugh contractions what a bear... :P

i tell you i have been having pretty intense contractions that started last night around 11 pm. they are around every 5 to 6 minutes. I called the dr on call last night and he told me if i wanted i could wait it out and see how it goes, now they arent as close together but they hurt worse Ick! I don't know whether to go in or not, 

thanks for letting me get that out, im just uncomfortable and frustrated bc its hot outside.

Re: ugh contractions what a bear... :P

  • Just FYI from my experience...My contractions with DD never got really close. They would be 4 min then 20 min all day long. Then all of a sudden they were unbearable so we left for the hospital. I was 9 cm when they checked me! If you have to stop & breathe/focus through them & it hasn't stopped since last night or with Tylenol, bath, water, etc. Don't hesitate to go in.
  • Trust me they see many people for 'false' labor or early labor. I was in L&D last night bc i wasn't sure about my contractions.. Then kept me for an hr an my cervix didn't change so I left. but I was getting contractions..

    If yours hurt worse now GO IN!


    4-7-11 - Natural MC @ 4w5d 6-27-11- MC @ 5w6dPgAL/PAL WelcomeDD#1- 8/20/2010DD#2- 6/21/2012EDD #3~ 5/1/2014 ~ Team Green
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  • If you're wanting an unmedicated birth, stay home for as long as your comfortable with it. With DD, I didn't even know what I was feeling was contractions until my water broke. Once that happened, we went to the hospital (I was too early for home delivery) and I was there for less than 1 1/2 hrs before she was born. It wasn't until we got there that I started feeling true pain.
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