hi ladies. i posted early this morning about decreased fetal movement. thank you all for your advice. i drank ice water and tried laying down an hour and couldn't make it - i was too worried. after about 30 minutes of feeling nothing i call the doctor. they sent me to L&D to monitoring. i was soooo nervous. i live about 40 minutes from the hospital and DH is working. thank god there was no traffic. i was trying desperately not to speed like a mad woman. lol.
anyway, they hooked up the monitor and said the heart rate was good. they could see/hear movement but i wasn't feeling any of it. i was so releived that she was moving and her heart rate was good. they left me there for about an hour and gave me a button to push whenever i did feel movement. i felt a few movements in that time. maybe 4 or 5. then i felt like the girl who cried wolf lol. but it literally went from constant movement to practically nothing for 3 days so i just couldnt relax.
then they did an ultrasound and said that the fluid looked good and she was growing right on target. she is in the breech position (which is ok for this stage because has time to flip) and my placenta is on the anterior wall so the combination of that and her breech position is most likely why i haven't felt her they said.
im so relieved that my baby girl is ok. (oh and they confirmed that she is still a girl! lol).
thank you again ladies
Re: home from L&D - u/d from decreased movement post
Glad everything is fine!
Same thing happened to me when I was around 27 weeks, thank goodness I have a doppler so I wasn't horribly worried but movement can be very inconsistent at times based on LO's position (like you mentioned).
Im so glad! I would have done the same! I have an anterior placenta as well and it can be scary sometimes. Sometimes I will feel so much movement and then very little.
I am so glad she is good!!