3rd Trimester

descreased fetal movement

i posted on 2nd tri - then thought maybe i would post here because i guess as of today i am 3rd tri and maybe you guys will know... havent gotten any responses over there.... 


For a few weeks I was feeling the baby move a lot- and very strong. I could even see my belly move. I would feel her several times through the day and for extended periods of time. For the last few days I have felt very little movement and not strong at all. I'm really worried and I don't know if I should be- this is my first baby. Also- when I was feeling her a lot it was mostly on one side. Is I possible she has justchanged positions and now the position she is in I am just not feeling her? I'm 27 weeks so I feel like she is big enough that I would feel her no matter where she is. Would you call the doctor? My next appt is not until 8/26.

Re: descreased fetal movement

  • I have had a lot of friends whose babies like to freak them out and didn't move around for a couple of days. 50% of all fetal movement, you will never feel. Drink some cold juice or ice water and jiggle your belly around a bit. See if that gets her moving. Call your office or the nurse line at your hospital. Its always a good idea to be on the safe side, especially if she stops moving at all. Have you started with your fetal kick counts? Its a good idea to start now. I do them in the morning and before bed. If you don't feel 10 movements in 10 minutes, (flutters, kicks, rolls etc. drink some juice, walk around and try again) If that isn't working and she still isn't moving, CALL!!!
  • Thank you. I just drank a glass of ice water and am laying on my side... Nothing yet. I will call the doc In a bit. I haven't started kick counts because everything I read said to start at 28 weeks. But I always take notice of movement and this def a significant change :(
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  • same as pp said except i have always been told 10 kicks in an hour. My baby this time is on the pokie side and my doctor said we would rather you call and set you up for an u/s or a fetal scan than to do nothing and miss something.
  • Here is what I was taught by my doula. 24-26 weeks you will feel the most movement from your baby because they are big enough to cause a ruckus and for you to feel them moving but they are still small enough to have freedom of movement. Once 26-27 weeks hit the baby is starting its final 3 month growth spurt is is big enough now to continue to kick but does not have the space to move and roll as it did from 24-26 weeks. It should be the normal for most if not all moms to feel the baby the most between 24-26 and it slowly goes down hill from there since your baby gets bigger and more cramped from 27 weeks on. Also if it is any comfort I feel 85 to 90 percent of my kicks below my belly button or lower due to his position. He is laying with his back out towards my belly and feet and arms inside towards my back. He is perfectly healthy according to my doctors and what I thought were back spasms are apparently him moving as well. As the above posters said drink ice water and lay still for an hour or so...watch a movie..read etc...pay attention for kicks and realize that kicks may not just happen out front. Be open to the possibility that the spasm you just felt below your kidney is your baby kicking etc.

    I hope this helps. I know what it is like to be preggers with your first I have been there and done that. Also remember that doctors have an education but you know your body best and that includes the baby inside you. Do not ever prevent yourself from seeking help if you think you need it don't been embarrassed to get it. 

  • Definitely call if you feel like it is a significant difference or to see what their kick methodology is.  My dr wants 10 kicks in 1 hr.  Though, one time (earlier in my pregnancy) they said to call after 1 hr and recently they said to drink cold OJ, lay back on my side and try for 1 more hour before calling.  2 hrs of laying there worrying sounds like NO fun, though, but luckily I've only ever made it to 30 mins so far.

    DS born 8/2010 - preliminary stages of SN int'l adoption - fur mama to 2 shelter dogs;  cloth diapering, babywearing, EBFing mama

  • I was told 10 movement episodes(not kicks)  between 9 am and 6 pm after 28 weeks by my mw last week.  However, if there is any significant change in movement, to call right away, no matter what.


    I'd call, just to see what  your OB would like you to do!

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I would drink a glass of juice or something sugary, lay on your left side, and do kick counts. You should feel 8 within 2 hours. If you don't, call your doctor right away!
    image image

  • If it helps, my LO has a tendency to move tons for 2 or 3 days and then she has a couple days where she's really quiet with just a few taps and rolls.  The day after her rest she's back at it again.  Just try to relax and drink something sugary and cold to see if that gets the kiddo moving.

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