He probly means checking your cervix. An internal exam. No big deal.
Shocking surprise BFP 9/12/12
After 2 IUIs, 3 IVFs w/ICSI and 1 FET we have been blessed with a healthy baby girl born 26 August 2010!
Yep, I would assume that's what he means also. They check your cervix to see if you are dilating and getting softer. Its an internal exam and if its like my office, it involves a massive amount of lube. I felt sticky the entire car ride home. I've had it done a few times. My dr. is super quick and it was totally painless, just felt a TON of pressure. The residents at the hospital both SUCKED. They fumbled around forever and it felt like someone was stabbing me in the vag. They both said my cervix was high and really far back and they were having problems getting to it. The closer you get and the more progress you have made, the less it hurts(according to the bumbling residents) Your regular OB should be a pro though! You can refuse them if you want since they are really unnecessary unless you are experiencing any type of labor, but I like to know how much progress I'm making, even if they can't predict exactly when you will go into labor. You have to be 10cm dilated to push a baby out. Usually have to be 5cm to get an epidural. As of last week, I was a "fingertip" (I believe this is another way of saying 1/2cm)
Just wanted to add that the 3 or so internal checks I've had up to this point were not bad. Some women on this board find them very painful etc ..........but I just experienced a great deal of pressure---but no pain. So don't stress!
Re: Getting "checked"
This. And it's not bad. Quick and easy