3rd Trimester

Varicose veins

im just going to be a baby for a min and im sorry but i cant vent about this to too many people. I had varicose veins with DD but only bad on one leg really . well a few weeks ago I fount them on my crotch!!!!!! why does this have to happen it grosses me out and they hurt. oh whinny baby time over. Sorry to any ladies going through this too it sucks.

Re: Varicose veins

  • Are you wearing prescription maternity support hose?  I did for the majority of my pg until I became too swollen to get them on.  They helped a lot.  Also was prescribed a V2 supporter specifically for the labia region, looks like a female jock, but never got one because my veins were worse near my ankle.  Hope you find comfort soon.  My are actually a lot better now.
  • both my parents have them (my dad has actually had surgery on them) and i?ve had mild ones since i was like 14 and am really NOT looking forward to adding on to them so i make sure i move about a lot.

     do you own a fit-ball? they are waaay more comfortable than any bed or chair can be, with the added bonus that it?s difficult to sit still which keeps your circulation going.

     hope you feel better soon though!

    (btw, did the ones on your leg fade after delivery, cos then these should too, esp since its a region with good circulation when not blocked by a baby)

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  • thanks ladies and yes the ones on my legs went down to normal with in a week after birth I think. I am waiting to hear if my insurance covers the prescription ones. I have a pair of compression stockings from motherhood. but they feel like im cutting off circulation to the baby lol
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