3rd Trimester

NBR: My dog was skunked

Please allow me a slightly hormonal vent...

We went on vacation this week (I guess you'd call it our babymoon) and a friend stayed with our dog. The number one rule with our dog - which we preach to EVERYONE - is not to let him out in the yard after dusk, because we have a horrible skunk problem in our neighborhood. She apparently ignored our rule and let him out, and what do you know - he got skunked. That alone would be bad enough, but she decided not to ruin our vacation and didn't call to tell us what happened. While I appreciate the notion, I almost wish she would have called because we could have told her exactly what to do to minimize the stink. Because she didn't know, she let him run around the house while she consulted google, and left him in his crate to go buy supplies for a bath. I guess the oil from the skunk spray seeped into the house at that time.

 Like I said, I know she was trying to be nice and not tell us until we returned...but our house STINKS. We've been cleaning all day and there's still a skunky odor on the air. We're washing all the clothes in my husband's closet because somehow, the dog, the stink, or both made their way in there and it's all gross.  Dog has been groomed (though he still smells kinda bad) and I know the scent will fade with time...but damn. Any relaxation I felt from my vacation is slowly slipping down the drain!

Re: NBR: My dog was skunked

  • GBCKGBCK member

    oh no!  That sucks.  (both the ignoring the 'needs supervision' and the failing to call.)

    (the dawn/soda/peroxide sln DOES work on clothes and carpets and such--but do check for color-fastness w/ peroxide.

    And just wiping things down w/ baking soda (sprinkling it and sweeping/vacuuming it up) helps a ton)

  • That sucks really badly. I'm sorry. I do not blame you at all for being aggravated!
    The two men in my life. Oh, and I have a husband too...
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  • my parents dogs get skunked at least once a year, they swear by this! Good Luck!!

    • 1 gallon water
    • 1 quart hydrogen peroxide ~3% solution
    • 1 cup baking soda
    • 1 good squirt of hand or dish soap
    The mixture will fizz. Use a sponge and lather it into the fur/skin taking care to avoid the ears and eyes. Let it sit for 10 minutes, rinse and repeat.


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  • My dog got skunked about 2 years ago at 5am. My husband got up to let her out & he heard her bark & whine outside so he opened the door to let her in so she wouldn't get hurt outside not knowing she was already sprayed. She ran in the house through my family room, kitchen, then the living room, rolled around on
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  • My English Bulldog got skunked about 2 years ago at 5am. My husband got up to let her out & he heard her bark & whine outside so he opened the door to let her in so she wouldn't get hurt outside not knowing she was already sprayed. She ran in the house through my family room, kitchen, then the living room, rolled around on the rug then threw up on it. The smell was HORRIBLE! He left her downstairs & came upstairs to tell me. I was still half asleep & asked him where she was. He said in the house & I freaked!

    Everything in my house stunk. We have hard wood floors in the whole house so we threw out every area rug, washed all the curtains & slipcover on the loveseat. Our bedroom is upstairs but the smell still got up there into our closets & dresser drawers. We washed all clothes too.

    We tried everything to get the smell off the dog. Finally someone suggested using Simple Green (the all natural cleaner) on her & it worked. We bought the apple scented one. There was still a faint smell when you sniffed close to her, but nothing like it had been. Hope that helps.

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  • Thanks, everyone, for your sympathy and advice. We went on a made cleaning bender and had someone come and steam clean our furniture (which we were planning to do anyway before the baby came, but this prompted us to act sooner). The dog and the house aren't 100% fresh as a daisy...but I'm trying to stay positive!
  • wow that sucks!

    I had bookmarked this blog a while back...I haven't tried any of them yet beyond the regular baking soda and vinegar tricks but these might help speed along the de-stinking process:


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