Need ideas for crafts I can do while wading in this in between phase.
I already made Corbin's name in paper mache. That was alot of fun. I'm considering making more paper mache things, but I just don't know what to make. Maybe a mobile. Can't have too many mobiles I suppose. One for the crib, one for the changing table, one for the H of it.
I made a post-it note wall calendar countdown to the due date.
I've knit more bibs and blankets than he'll ever use.
Any suggestions?
Re: Tweener Crafts
Decided I'm going to make funny onesies with blank onesies and iron-on transfer paper.
Yes, the one in the siggy will be one of them.
Hmmm maybe a mobile? (Here's a girl one - you can easily get boy colors - that I think is cute)
I have started baking and cooking like a mad woman and inviting folks over or dropping the goods off at their houses. I keep finding awesome sites and blogs through random people here on the Bump through siggy links. It's great! Everyone is so creative, so I am "borrowing" their good ideas.
Cook some freezer meals. That's not exactly "crafty" but definitely a good thing to get ahead on.
Scrapbook. You can scrapbook things from your pregnancy, or you can premake some pages for after the baby's birth. They'll be ready for you to just put in pictures and info.
That mobile is adorable!