I am done. All we have left to do is set up the crib, but even that will take a half hour tomorrow (the sheets and mobile and everything are ready just need to be out on). My house is spotless, laundry is done, car is clean and ready (even baby on board signs are in), bags are packed, and I am waxed from one end to the other lol.
I spent all summer nesting like a crazy woman. My house got the cleaning of a lifetime lol.
I am beyond proud that we got every single thing on the list done. Even the stuff we didn't think we would manage to do but hoped we would.
I have a few weeks to go but baby is engaged and even the midwife suspects I'll go soon. I am not banking on that obviously, but I would appreciate a few days (maybe a week at least) from little one before he decides to come so I can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with being ready for him.
Plus, I'd super like to sneak in a pedicure
Re: Ready for baby!
LOL ladies. If you knew how insanely anal I was at the best of times you would know this is considered very late for me to be done! I am one of "those people" who planned my wedding two years out and started charting my fertility 7 months before we were even ready to start trying hahaha!
It will get done, I promise. Something freakish just kind of happens and all of a sudden no surface or cranny in the house is safe. I have to say I had a lot of help. Hubby does pretty much anything I ask him to do and my MIL came and helped me clean the house in a huge European way lol.
If I had been left to my own devises I'd still be crying about it all.