3rd Trimester

Does Castor Oil really work ?

1st time Mommy ----

My due date is tommorow Aug 15th and im miserable , im tired of being pregnant and just soo anxious to meet my son gabriel !

I here the castor oil can cause contractions , is it true and is it safe ?

Any one know of anything else that helps going into labor ?

Re: Does Castor Oil really work ?

  • the only thing i have heard it does is give you the runs.  Try going for a long walk- that is what worked for me


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  • Everything I have read and everyone I know that has taken it said it worked for them...but it effects everyone different....but in the end always puts them in labor. I believe it is safe but I would ask your doctor first.
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  • It can make you feel very sick (bad diarrhea), and I have also heard that while it can trigger contractions, it can also just cause false labor and not the real deal. So then you're A) sick and B) still not in labor.

    I would definitely consult with your doctor before taking it. 

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  • I would never use castor oil to go into labor. You will get severe diarrhea and can easily become dehydrated. If your doctor thinks you need to have your baby soon then he will induce you.
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  • It can work. People also have a wide array of reactions to it, from diarrhea to false labor. 

    You're not even to your due date yet. I know that you're miserable but castor oil really is a last resort and one only to be taken when you're body is ready and under the instruction of a care provider. It's not an intervention to be taken lightly.

    Try walking, squatting and most of all relax.

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  • imageabartow:
    the only thing i have heard it does is give you the runs.  Try going for a long walk- that is what worked for me

    Aw, your little boy was born on my mom's birthday :P He's adorable, by the way!

  • Castor oil causes your intestines to contract which in turn can sometimes cause your uterus to contract...however if your body is not ready to go into labor it will do nothing but leave you on the toilet all night praying that you didn't take castor oil.


  • imagekmeek19:

    the only thing i have heard it does is give you the runs.  Try going for a long walk- that is what worked for me

    Aw, your little boy was born on my mom's birthday :P He's adorable, by the way!



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  • Yes, it causes contractions.  If your body is not ready, though, it won't go into labor.

    I tried it last Saturday out of desperation (induced tomorrow).  I had the runs for a few hours, then severe, painful contractions (worse than I ever had with DD) that were 2-3 minutes apart for several hours.  I went to the hospital.  NO change.  They sent me home, I finally went to sleep, and woke up with nothing.

    Totally not worth it and nothing I would ever try again.

  • Our neighbor drank castor oil and she went into labor that night BUT i guess the nurses at the hospital gave her a really hard time about it :(

  • It is not a good idea.  Castor oil is an old remedy to solve constipation.  It will cause your gastrointestinal system to contract and cause wicked cramps.  It also will cause dehydration.  The GI contractions can cause your ute to contract also.  It might trigger fake or real labor. 

    Going into real labor dehydrated is not pleasant for you and can be bad for the baby.  Also, studies have suggested a link between castor oil and meconium in the amniotic fluid, which would be really bad.  (Who knows if the studies are right.  Not worth the risk for me.)

    If you are seriously considering it, you should call your OB.

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  • Castor oil is one of the safer methods of inducing labor (when things like sex, exercise, and nipple stimulation have not helped).  I would try it before having your membranes artificially ruptured and definitely before allowing your OB to treat you with any type of medication to induce labor.  

    However, its not wise to attempt to induce yourself without discussing it with your MW or OB, particularly prior to your due date.  I can completely empathize with how it feels to be so close to the end and feeling like you just want to be DONE being pregnant and have your baby in your arms NOW...but your baby will be here when they're ready and I promise it will be worth the wait!  

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