3rd Trimester

First signs of labour? The ones that aren't obvious...

I'm 3 days over my due date, just started losing my MP a couple days ago and have been feeling "funny" since yesterday.  I actually kind of felt like I was getting the flu, but realized that probably wasn't the case.  Had two bouts of back pain (nothing intense) on my left side that came around the left front side.  I feel labour is immenient, but wanted to see what other signs (the ones they don't write about on websites) that you may have experienced before the big signs (ie. Contractions, water breaking)....also, how long until you went into full blown labour?


Re: First signs of labour? The ones that aren't obvious...

  • Cramping was big for me towards the end. I felt like my period was coming.
  • The past two nights I've been throwing up and loose bowels. I googled it and the website said this is common for early signs of labor. A couple days before labor your may do a "cleanse" to prepare for it.

    I hope that's true bc I'm ready to go!

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  • loose bowel movements arent a sign of preterm labor, though, are they?
  • imageqme09:
    loose bowel movements arent a sign of preterm labor, though, are they?

    I'm at higher risk for PTL, and one of the signs is abdominal pain with or without diahrrea...but, I think that if you don't have the abdominal pain or cramping, loose stools is probably related to something you ate.  I would say call your dr if you are concerned at all. 

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  • I have been feeling like I am having a nasty period and loosing my MP (blood tinged) but the doctor who striped my membranes said my body was not ready for labor so what the heck am I feeling then.
  • I got a dull ache in my vagina RIGHT before my bloody show. I dont know if its happened to others but this being my second Im interested to see if it happens again...

    I had cramps that got rythmic and that I felt in my back... its a very distinct feeling. If you have it you will know. Trust me :D

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  • imageAmberzxoxo:
    I have been feeling like I am having a nasty period and loosing my MP (blood tinged) but the doctor who striped my membranes said my body was not ready for labor so what the heck am I feeling then.


    How would he know if your body was ready for labour or not? You seem to be close enough to your due date?  I say trust your instinct....

  • I have all the following signs, and I "feel" like it is coming soon: nausea, diarrhea, vagina pain, lost my mucus plug, cramps, backache.  

    Last time I also felt like it was coming, but I don't remember the signs.   

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