Just wondering...I have had 5 so far, only because our baby was always so active and moving around so much that we had to go back a second time to finish taking the measurements.
Now, i have to go see a high risk specialist because of some bad blood test results taken by my family doctor. My OB said she would have never ran those tests on a pregnant woman because they will not be accurate due to fluctuating levels. However i have to go see a specialist just to be sure. I have no idea what they can possibly tell me since the results are not accurate anyways.. I really don't want to go since i'm sure everything is fine and my OB said she is positive everything is fine too.. it's just protocol.
They told me they always do a routine ultrasound when you go visit a high risk doctor, but i wonder if i can deny it. I just don't want anymore ultrasounds, as much as i love seeing my baby, i have read plenty of articles that say ultrasounds should be done only with good medical reasons and the less the better as they have not been proven to be 'safe'. I have had 5 so i think that is plenty.
Anyone else have had more then that? or do you know if i can ask not to have one? I should have the right to say no.. i think.
Re: how many ultrasounds have you had so far?
I've had 4. Once to confirm pregnancy, once at my 12 week appointment because they couldn't find the HB on the doppler, then I had my anatomy scan, and then a follow-up to that to check my cervix length.
You may be able to decline the u/s, but, if it's part of their diagnositics to try and figure out why your tests came back the way they did, it might be in your best interest to get one. But, if you're concerned, I would definitely ask when you go in. There may be ways around it.
i really dont think they would give you ultrasounds if they were unsafe. i would have only had one during this pregnancy but ive had 3. one for the anatomy scan, i had one for fun at 26 weeks the 4D one, and i just had one last monday for pre-term labor they wanted to see how big he is.
i think if there was anything about it was proven UNsafe they wouldnt offer them. although im no ultrasound expert so im not positive. i guess everything comes wiht a small amount of risk these days...much like any medications you take or anything else.
Let's see:
1 - Transvaginal at 1st drs. appointment.
2 NT scans (they were moving too much the first time, so I had to go back for a second)
2 Anatomy scans (again, they were moving too much the first time)
3 Growth scans (1 completed, two more scheduled)
So 8 total. I'm fine with that number and I don't think they're harming the girls. I'd much rather know if the girls are healthy and growing well than worry about an abstract "could be" when there is no proof that this number of scans is bad for them.
Unable to even.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
There are a lot of things TO read saying they are unsafe (oh, the internet and the way they like to scare you about medicine!), but if you actually go and read the studies it's a little sketchy. Like the big study that talks about "cell death" or whatever featured mice (1/3000th the size of humans) who were subjected to the same amount of ultrasound waves the average human would over a period of nine months pregnancy over a course of a week or so (because mice gestation is so short) and for many times longer than the avg. human ultrasound. So can you really compare? Whereas a long term HUMAN study showed no long-term affects between scanned and unscanned human babies.
I've also read those articles on the internet. A lot of them are compiled by the same folks who are worried about vaccination etc. They talk about how the "sound" babies supposedly hear inside the womb is "the same as a freight train" -- I've SEEN my baby sleeping through ultrasounds. I don't think they hear anything -- they are probably more disturbed when you walk and jostle them around.
I have had (or will on Tuesday) 6 ultrasounds -- a confirmation one, one super short one because the baby's HB couldn't be detected on doppler, an NT scan, an anatomy scan, and a growth scan the other week. I'm having another scan on Tuesday.
Given the medical-legal aspect of current medical practices, dont you think that if there was ANY proven link between ultrasounds and dangers, doctors would be moving AWAY from performing ultrasounds and not toward it? They don't want to get sued. And yet more and more doctors are turning to ultrasounds for diagnostic purposes because it's LESS dangerous than other methods (like amniocentesis). High risk patients often have ultrasounds every week.
i don't know why you'd want to deny yourself medical care based on something you read on the internet. If you're concerned, talk to your DOCTOR about the risk associated with another ultrasound.
Well, let me start out by saying that I am high risk and I struggled to get pregnant (repro endocrinologist), but I have had something like 8 or 9.
My little girl also has a habit of making it difficult for the doctors and not wanting to turn for measurements but as a high-risk patient they do an ultrasound every month to make sure all is well.
I had one at 8.5 weeks for dating purposes [which is good, because I thought I was a few days over 10 weeks! way off].
I had my anatomy scan at 21.5 weeks
I had a scan a few days ago at 30.5 weeks because I was measuring 3 weeks behind and they wanted to check the size of the baby
I'll have another scan at 33 weeks to check fluid levels, because they were low at the scan I had thursday.
I'll probably have another at 35 weeks to check my levels again, to make sure they haven't dropped from my 33 week scan. And possibly every week/every other week thereafter until I deliver.
I don't feel "right" about it, but I'm not too concerned either. The danger with ultrasounds I think only come with an unskilled ultrasound tech who might use levels too high or something. But if you're seeing a high risk ob i'm sure they have a fantastically skilled tech in place. There are plenty of ladies who have ultrasounds every week even, and they deliver perfect babies. GL!
2 beautiful children
proud mommy!
I had at least 8 (maybe 9?) because I have a fairly substantial ovarian cyst that is being monitored. I will probably have at least 2 more in the next 6 weeks. I'm a natural birth mama and did my research on sonograms, but ultimately concluded that fears about the technology are still in the "we need to learn more about this" stage, rather than in the "this is certainly bad for your baby" stage.
If you don't feel comfortable getting the ultrasound, feel free to decline it. While a lot of the concern around ultrasounds is speculative, it is important that you not feel worried about it. If having the scan will cause you distress and they don't really need to do it to assess your medical situation, there's no harm in refusing it.
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Yeah, it's not that they're "unsafe" - there are just no good studies showing how many are too many, and whether prolonged exposure does do any sort of damage. My OBs office doesn't do growth ultrasounds partly for this reason (no need to expose the baby to it if its not necessary) and partly because she doesn't think they're necessary unless a problem arises. I'm sure its fine should you need it, but, no sense in doing it if you don't.
Good Luck with everything!
that. I've had 13 due to a mix of things like the fact that we got pregnant while at the infertility clinic, so I had 3 there to make sure it was a viable pregnancy. Once I was admitted to OB I had the standard 'first u/s' they give all the patients. I was in a car wreck during week 13, had 2 more scans after that. I had her anatomy scan at 20 weeks, where we received news that her left femur was shorter, and they needed to monitor every few weeks the growth rate of the short one, and the difference in length between the two femurs. I have one more scheduled next week, and that should be it. If my doctor's thought there was something wrong with u/s, they sure didn't show it.
I feel the same way! I had my first u/s at 9 weeks and then another at 20 weeks. I'd like to have at least one more because I want to make sure my little girl is still a little girl and that she's doing well
- lol (not in that order... but maybe a little bit).
I would think you could turn down pretty much anything if you just put your foot down.
I think I've had 9 or 10 u/s. I had 2 early ones to date my pregnancy since I was measuring bigger than going by my LMP. Then at my 19w anatomy u/s, they found what they now call a clot on my placenta. So then I was sent to a specialist and then had monthly u/s's to keep track of it after that until about 34w or so. So I've had a lot, but I personally felt it was important to have them since the function of the placenta is such an important thing, obviously.
Do what you feel comfortable with.
oh about a million.
hmmm......one at 6w b/c of spotting, 8w to check viability (plus OB always does an 8w), 1st tri screening, 12w at my OB office (which she always does), anatomy scan, 2 more in OB office w/ NST, and first BPP yesterday. So that makes 8???
I have 5 weeks to go and 2 u/s each week till delivery (one w/ each NST and one w/ each BPP). I really hope all of these aren't dangerous to my baby.
BFP #2 10/29/08 ...stillborn via c/s @41w 7/20/09
missing my baby everyday
BFP #3 1/20/10 My angel's little sister Grace Madison was born September 8th 2010 @37w. We're so blessed! Thank you angel for getting her here safely.
BFP #4 12/30/11. Jackson Christopher 8/22/2012 via repeat c/s @ 37w 3d
Only two: one at 9 weeks to confirm the pregnancy and the big one at 20 weeks
That will probably be it, that's all my office does for normally progressing pregnancies. Kinda bummed, I'ld love to see him again, but we''ll have to wait until September
So are the tests to determine your health, or the health of your baby? Because if it's for the baby, I'd be more hesitant to turn down all ultrasounds. Talk to your doctors why they want so many - you do have a right to informed refusal for any procedure, even when you're pregnant.
I've only had two this pg, but I'm low risk. My last pg I had two (first at 20 weeks, another at 32 to see if my placenta had moved up), but then had at least 2-3 more in the last week, bc it was standard policy to do u/s after 41 weeks. Ultrasounds are fairly safe, I wouldn't worry about having five, but I also wouldn't feel bad questioning what they're looking for when they do one at every appointment, especially if all signs point to your baby being okay. hth
DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)
This. I've had 4 and I might have a growth one later. I had 4 due to some problems discovered at 12 weeks and then all of the FU to check on her. It sounds like they are giving it to you for a medical reason, not for fun. So why would you decline?
They are giving me one just cause it's their procedure. The reason for seeing a specialist is because a few weeks ago i have had a blood clot and the family physician ran some tests (that according to my OB they should not have) since they are sure to come out all over the chart in pregnant women. Just to cover all bases, i have to go see a high risk specialist, even though there is no concern from my OB about my health or babies health since everything seems to be perfect at every appointment.
It only bugs me because it's a stupid mistake, and one which i have to pay for, and worry for, and all for nothing really.I would be worried that for these 'false' results they want me to take some medication (my OB told me that's what the doctor told her, and she doesn't agree with it) and i'm really not up for taking any unnecessary medication, if i'm feeling great! I am all for having an ultrasound or any test for that matter, if there seemed to be a problem or concern for the health of my baby.. but there isn't any.
I also don't understand what they can possibly tell me since obviously the results they are looking at they even know are not accurate. I'm just lost.. I was going to call my doctor Monday morning.. but i also have an appointment with the specialist on Monday morning..
DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)
Wow, lets see, this is my 10th on monday.
Dating ultrasound, NT U/S, elective ultrasound, 18 weeks anatomy scan, 22 weeks scan, 26 weeks scan, 28 week started bio physical profiles (BPP), 29 BPP, 30 weekBPP. Whoa, thats all of them. Now instead of once a week I will have 2x a week since they found somthing wrong with baby Lukes tummy
I've had 5 with the doctor so far, and we had a 3d/4d done as well, and I'm not even considered high risk. We have another scheduled for next week to check on the baby's growth. My doctor says they are safe, and that his own wife had several extra u/s done.
8 weeks- confirmed pregnancy
12 weeks - confirmed pregnancy was still viable
16 weeks - doc forgot his doppler in the other exam room, said it was easier to just do a u/s rather than go back to get it
20 weeks - the anatomy u/s
24 weeks - 3d/4d u/s
30 weeks - doctor did u/s for me after my cousin lost her baby, even though I felt physically fine, to make me feel better and help me not worry
34 weeks - we're scheduled for an u/s to check on the baby's growth
Noel - August 2010
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