I keep hearing people say 'this is normal'... but what does it feel like.
The last week or so I get these intense sudden sharp pains in my pelvis right above my vagina... is that what you're talking about?
They were happening like once a day, and so far today I've gotten it 4 times and it was painful enough to make me say "oww" out loud and I squatted down for a minute until I thought it was over. If thats not what I'm experiencing... then are these wierd contractions?!?!! lol I've been having pretty regular Braxton Hicks for the last 3 weeks, but nothing with such a sharp and intense pain. ... Insight! Please!
Re: Lightning Crotch?
For me, it feels like a sharp shooting pain that goes through my vagina and sometimes down my leg.
It's like the baby is taking a bat to my cervix.
Not for me. At 39 weeks I was still carrying high and my cervix was closed and hard. I'm past my due date now.
Ugh. Dislike.
Ugh. Dislike.