3rd Trimester

Lightning Crotch?

I keep hearing people say 'this is normal'... but what does it feel like. 

The last week or so I get these intense  sudden sharp pains in my pelvis right above my vagina... is that what you're talking about?
They were happening like once a day, and so far today I've gotten it 4 times and it was painful enough to make me say "oww" out loud and I squatted down for a minute until I thought it was over.  If thats not what I'm experiencing... then are these wierd contractions?!?!! lol   I've been having pretty regular Braxton Hicks for the last 3 weeks, but nothing with such a sharp and intense pain. ... Insight! Please!

Mommy to Briggs (8/22/10) and Helen (7/18/14)

Re: Lightning Crotch?

  • For me, it feels like a sharp shooting pain that goes through my vagina and sometimes down my leg.

    It's like the baby is taking a bat to my cervix.

  • Yes- that would explain it.  Now to my next question- is this a good sign?  I'm 37 weeks and clinging to every sign (as we all are) that labor is finally near... haha.  So, is "Lightning Crotch" a sign of progress? :)

    Mommy to Briggs (8/22/10) and Helen (7/18/14)
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  • imageLindsay2907:
    Yes- that would explain it.  Now to my next question- is this a good sign?  I'm 37 weeks and clinging to every sign (as we all are) that labor is finally near... haha.  So, is "Lightning Crotch" a sign of progress? :)

    Not for me.  At 39 weeks I was still carrying high and my cervix was closed and hard.  I'm past my due date now.

  • imageMrsSR:

    Yes- that would explain it.  Now to my next question- is this a good sign?  I'm 37 weeks and clinging to every sign (as we all are) that labor is finally near... haha.  So, is "Lightning Crotch" a sign of progress? :)

    Not for me.  At 39 weeks I was still carrying high and my cervix was closed and hard.  I'm past my due date now.

    Ugh.  Dislike. :)

    Mommy to Briggs (8/22/10) and Helen (7/18/14)
  • imageMrsSR:

    Yes- that would explain it.  Now to my next question- is this a good sign?  I'm 37 weeks and clinging to every sign (as we all are) that labor is finally near... haha.  So, is "Lightning Crotch" a sign of progress? :)

    Not for me.  At 39 weeks I was still carrying high and my cervix was closed and hard.  I'm past my due date now.

    Ugh.  Dislike. :)

    Mommy to Briggs (8/22/10) and Helen (7/18/14)
  • I starting having lightening crotch about 33 weeks. It comes and goes but hurts like heck. I'm not sure if it means LO is close to coming out but for me it didn"t mean anything. Every new symptom I'm thinking....ok this is it...he's getting ready to come out. LOL
  • I heard about lightning crotch in my 2nd tri and I havent gotten it in my pelvic area but def feel it between my vagina and butt...I am sitting here waiting for the signs of labor...glad I am not the only one!
  • For me it feels like someone stabbing a pin through my cervix.  My MW said it's just baby hitting nerves.
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  • BTW: Love the name Briggs!! Family name for us and we turned it semi-girlie and are naming our little girl on the way Briggsley!!!
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