3rd Trimester

38 week apt.

Went to my 38 week apt yesterday and things are going great!! We also did a check up ultrasound on my LO and it showed that he already weights 7 pounds 9 ounces (i know it can be off) he was measuring in the 90 percentile, his feet were measuring in at 8 cm and he looked so cute and chubby in there. But he also looked very comfy, figured since I was so small he would be squished lol. Heartrate was great, BP was looking lots better and when they monitored me they said I was having contractions and I could barely feel them, I thought they were BH. They were irregular but more than BH. Yay maybe things will start progeressing and he will come a lil early. If not we have a set induction date of September 2nd, 90210!!!

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