3rd Trimester

sister vent

Here's a little something to entertain you on this long friday and give me a chance to vent.

My lil sister works at a large national retail store where she is allowed to be the only full time non manager, not work weekends/nights so she doesn't have to find care for her son and she gets great health insur.  However, she is of course tired of working there for 'no money' and recently was asking about becoming a realtor.  I told her it wasn't easy, classes, negotiation skills, filling out tons of very important paper work and lots of nights/weekends.  The next day she has a FB post that she is opening an inhome daycare.

She actually has the nerve to tell me when I go pick up DD from her in home to ask the lady for a set of her rules so she can copy them.  She also posts over and over on her FB for people to sign up so she can start right away, however she will only be open until 5pm (what about pple who work til 5?)

I have explained to her that there is more to childcare then just putting kids in front of a tv and collecting money, she will be giving up her and DS health insur, using her boyfriends house, will need to get certified (hasn't even had a cpr class) and needs to look into fencing the yard and talking to the home insurance co.  She seems to think these are all non issues. 

I know she's my sister, but seriously, what an idiot.  I'm so tired of my family thinking everything in life comes easy.  I hope that helped you pass a few minutes, if you are still bored I have an entire stock of 'my family is a bunch of idiots' stories that I can tell you.

Re: sister vent

  • Wow...I have to agree with you that she really needs to be careful about making sure she gets the proper credentials first.  She could get into alot of trouble if something happens to one of those children.

    On a side note, it often makes me wonder how my sister and I came from the same parents as well.....

    Tray, 39 DD born on 9/30/10 Expecting #2!! BabyFruit Ticker
  • I live in Alberta and recently in the news there was a lady in Medicine Hat being charged for the death of a toddler while in her day home. I dont know if she had insurance or was registered but might be something to bring up to your sister... does she really want to take that chance and have her families life ruined, especially without being registered, insured ect.
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  • you do indeed need to be licensed in our state, if something were to happen to one of the kids she could get in TONS of trouble but she's never been the type to listen to reason.  My whole family thinks that nothing bad can happen to you if you just pretend it doesn't exist. 

    There are a lot of in home daycares that don't license themselves and I'm sure not all of them are bad but I would never be willing to take that risk.  Also, she is charging what you would pay for a licensed daycare, even for me she only took off 10 bucks per kid, I was like uhhh sorry, the lady I have lined up now is taking both kids for the price of one of yours.

  • imageErin G:
    I live in Alberta and recently in the news there was a lady in Medicine Hat being charged for the death of a toddler while in her day home. I dont know if she had insurance or was registered but might be something to bring up to your sister... does she really want to take that chance and have her families life ruined, especially without being registered, insured ect.

    I know, even being liscensed, all it takes is one horrible thing happening and your entire life is ruined. Not to mention a nastey parent accusing you wrongly, you just never know with people.  BUT, sadly no one in my family wants to take my level-headed advice about anything.  They just prefer to complain that my life is so great and theirs sucks and it's all my fault....

  • imagephancykat:
    Wait, she was talking about becoming a realtor, then BAM she's opening a daycare? Sounds like she put a lot of thought and consideration into it. Confused Yay for being a responsible adult.

     lol, I know right?!  This is exactly what I was saying and she posted all of these career ideas on her FB so I can't believe no one has called her out on it and people are actually like oh yeah...let me know what you're charging, I'll sign up.

    It's scary how little thought people put into their childs daycare.

  • imagephancykat:
    Wait, she was talking about becoming a realtor, then BAM she's opening a daycare? Sounds like she put a lot of thought and consideration into it. Confused Yay for being a responsible adult.

    She sounds really impulsive! Most likely it won't happen and if it does it won't last long because she has put no thought into it. She can't just copy another daycare providers rules and expect to open a daycare for herself. CRAZY!

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • imageLinny0316:

    you do indeed need to be licensed in our state, if something were to happen to one of the kids she could get in TONS of trouble but she's never been the type to listen to reason.  My whole family thinks that nothing bad can happen to you if you just pretend it doesn't exist. 

    There are a lot of in home daycares that don't license themselves and I'm sure not all of them are bad but I would never be willing to take that risk.  Also, she is charging what you would pay for a licensed daycare, even for me she only took off 10 bucks per kid, I was like uhhh sorry, the lady I have lined up now is taking both kids for the price of one of yours.

    I seriously hope that you weren't asking her about watching your kids, and that she just offered this discount to you, maybe expecting you'd bring your kids to her?!  Never mind the money aspect of it - if she's that irresponsible, I'd hope you wouldn't consider leaving your kids in her care for that reason alone! 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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