Our first baby is due in November. We are seriously considering buying a new car before her arrival. Our dilemma - Do we get a mini-van or not? I'm just not ready to get a mini-van yet and would prefer to get a mid-sized SUV, but I don't know if a mini-van would really be the best option for a family. It may have more storage capacity than an SUV.
Is anyone else in this situation? What are your plans - Mini-van or no?
Re: To Mini-Van or Not?
I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living my baby you'll be.
- Robert Munsch
We bought our mini van when we only had DS#1...but we knew we were going to have more children soon in the near future..so instead of buying another new car years later...we got the mini and I love it. Love it.
This is what I'm starting to think as well. If we get a mini-van now, we'll be all set for when we have another child. I'm just afraid that we may not have enough space in an SUV as we would in a mini-van. My husband thinks we'd be ok. We definitely need to go out and look at the space in both!
Personally I think some people jump the gun when looking for a new vehicle just because a baby is on the way. It's a personal preference so to each their own.
I have a car (4 door) and can easily fit two car seats in the back. We're only having one baby and I know that gear will take up room when we travel (I see how much stuff my sister totes around) but so what, our trunk will get full from time to time. DH got a new vehicle a while back because our 1995 was in need of being replaced. We did get an SUV for the reason of having more room, four wheel drive, etc.
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Kristen (7), Timothy (5), Robert (3), Charles (9 months)
It depends on a few things. How many children are you thinking of having? What are the car seat laws in your state? How long do you tend to own a car before replacing it.
Our Prius worked great with one, but while it would fit two carseats in the back no one could sit with them so it wasn't a great option for two. So when we decided to get a second car we knew we wanted something bigger. And, because Texas basically requires a child to be in a carseat or booster until they are eight years old we decided on a mini van over an SUV, because the minivan would give us more room to move around the carseats ( we are definitely planning on having more than two kids). But, we also plan to own this car for a long time so we wanted to make sure we had storage for the long haul.
we're planning to have two eventually, and we also have a prius. it's great. the mileage is awesome and the customer service was great. last night we managed to fit 6 foot shelves in the back with the rear seats down, plus a ton of other stuff.
i grew up with a station wagon. whatever happened to those?