When ladies that are not 40 weeks constantly biitch about still being pregnant. Especially if it is their first baby.
What did you expect? I mean how often to first timers actually go into labor at 37, 38, or 39 weeks? Not too often according to my doctor.
Between my IRL friend that has been biitching about this since the second she hit 37 weeks and the ladies here that do it all freakin day long I am just over it.
And don't even get me started on the whole "she was due after me but already had her baby bullshit".
Like I told my IRL friend yesterday (who is mad that I may have Kate before her), I wish I wasn?t high risk, didn't have a heart and blood condition, didn't have major issues this pregnancy and wasn't delivering at 38 weeks for health reasons. Really, it isn't something to be jealous of.
Re: Flame away - I find it so annoying
I think people just start to get so uncomfortable they just want it over.
Me, I'm shooting for 6 days late, that way his birthday will be 10/10/10.
look at the birds | bless this food
I'm warning you now, I'll be one of these women.
Right now I'm measuring at 36 weeks. If their growth keeps up, then by the time I hit actual 37 weeks of gestation it'll be like I'm 45-47 weeks pregnant.
I fully reserve the right to b!tch at that time.
Unable to even.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
What Are Your Thoughts on Tap Dancing Penguins?
LCB you're probably going to hate me then... I know LO needs to stay put as long as possible, and that I will probably go past my due date. I'm a whiny whore though... Don't know how I'm going to make it through labor!!
No flames though, I'll deserve it if and when I start complaining!
Um, you are carrying twins. That is way different in my book. And, if those girls are still cooking at 37+ weeks you have the right to biitch about every thing under the sun!
I don't even blame you with 2 in there!
I agree. I'm excited to have LO arrive but I'm very content with waiting for my due date. Heck I had a little scare yesterday re: possible preterm labor and all I thought was the babe better stay put!
I have a friend that's 16 weeks and constantly "I can't wait until I have this baby." Comments that people make as to why they want to deliver already really surprise me... this friend is annoyed with pregnancy restrictions (she's NOT high risk just talking about normal pregnancy don'ts....)
I'm not going to flame, but I'm one of those women.
My biggest gripe is that my maternity leave starts this Monday. I'm going to be using my sick days and she isn't even here yet. I'm only taking 6 weeks as it is... Plus, I'm a teacher, so missing the start of the school year is stressful enough!
ETA: I didn't want her to come early, but I don't want her to come two weeks late.
CG you have twins... little different IMO. You can b!tch all you want!
You've got two in there so you get a pass
I agree 100%
hell you wanna complain? Carry a baby 44 weeks like my stupid ass MW let me do with DS and then come talk to me.
::bows down to LILBIT::
I complain, but, I'm not also running around eating 50lbs pineapple and drinking castor oil hoping that I'll go into labor 'early.' And, I'd rather go late than schedule an induction, or have preterm labor (which, isn't a really an issue for me anymore thankfully).
But, I do complain about being uncomfortable, and hot, and cranky. It is impossible to enjoy living in Florida, pregnant, in the dead of summer. Heck, I'd be complaining even if I wasn't pregnant cuz it's been so effing hot here lately! But, I'm also aware there IS an end. And I know it could be a LOT worse.
And, I am jealous of people with outside babies, but only cuz I'm anxious to meet my own!!
Holy moly!
I think we're all excited and anxious to meet our little ones, but I agree that the waiting is not something to be complaining about.
Our babies will be here before we know it and then we're going to start hearing people complain about how they're growing up too fast!
I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living my baby you'll be.
- Robert Munsch
Holy crap. That's insane!
I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living my baby you'll be.
- Robert Munsch
DS was due April 10 he was born May 11 9'10" ...they didnt induce because they didnt feel it was "medically necessary" until they did my last U/S and NST on May 10th. Had they of had a bed then i would have never left that day. My fluid had been leaking and there was very little left. The kid was half grown by the time he became an outside baby. And he got stuck...anyone wanna battle that treat ha-ha. OH and no Epi for me...me and my vag are rock stars! LMAO
I completely agree. I would rather go 41 weeks then have a baby in the NICU. My friend was told that she was high risk for pre-term labour and she had to get steriod shots so her LO's lungs would be ok and she was put on bedrest... the whole experience seemed very stressful and I wouldn't want that. Luckily her LO came two dates after her due date and is healthy and happy.
My best friend whined from 30 weeks on that she was "done" being pg. I pointed out that the baby wasn't done. At 37 weeks she asked why I wasn't more sympathetic. I gave her two reasons...1) I'm pg too, so shut up, and 2) she'd been complaining for going on 2 months and I was tired of listening to it.
What is driving me crazy is everyone around me complaining that I haven't had the baby yet. I'm not sick of being pregnant, and I don't need anyone saying, "Oh, I bet you're ready to get that baby out" or "She's obviously on a schedule all her own" or, "Are you going to induce soon???"
This is why pregnant women get b!tchy at the end. It's not hormones, it's all the annoying questions.
Married 11/24/07
Camille Rae 8/21/10
Thea Grace's EDD 5/22/14
I'm with you on that. I am also pregnant with twins and I am 28 weeks today measuring at least 8 weeks ahead. I can feel it. I didn't mind being pregnant with #1 until about 39 weeks. I ended up going to 41 and 1 day and was ready to have him. This time I am praying to keep them in until at least 36 weeks but I know by then (if not before) I will be ready to burst.
I must admit, I do complain and it is my first baby lol I'm 35 weeks 2 days so by no means is my baby ready to come out, or else he'd be here and I'd never compromise his health for my own comfortability....I take it as my first test as a mother to endure something for the better well-being of my child--the first of many!
But just because you know something is important and its something you have to do doesnt mean you can't express your feelings about the downsides as well. Same thing when the baby comes---motherhood is a wonderful, rewarding experience but no doubt an also extremely difficult job----would we condemn women who talk about having bad days as a new mom and say "well then you shouldn't have had children." No one is perfect! I applaud the women who trek it out, mouths closed--even the women talking about going a month over! ( now THATS crazy!! congrats!!)
But this being my first baby, yea....I had no idea how hard this would be on my physically and as much as I'm excited for what my body is accomplishing and the reasons I know he needs to continue cooking, I AM ALSO very excited to get back to being "me" again and having my body back for myself.