3rd Trimester

Hand Foot & Mouth Disease

Morning ladies. I found out this morning that DD has been exposed to hand foot & mouth disease at daycare. 2 kids have it (siblings)...mom never told dad they had it (they are divorced). Some of the other kids are starting to show signs. Is this anything I should be worried about? It seems harmless enough from what I have read on the CDC website. I do have a call into my ob. DD isn't showing any symptoms as of yet - the 2 kids have been at daycare all week and the dad only found out yesterday they have it. Sorry for rambling. TIA.

Brandi dd - Emma Rose - 6.24.06 dd - Alexis Grace - 09.03.10 Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Re: Hand Foot & Mouth Disease

  • My Goddaughter just got over this. She got it from her cousin who got it at a water park. The 4 year old cousin didn't have it so bad, just a few sores around her mouth, but goddaughter had it fairly bad and had sores on her feet and in her mouth which made her refuse to eat/drink, which was the worst part about it.

    Your pedi will give you advise on how to reduce the pain if your kiddos get it. It last about a week. Its highly contagious to other kids so they should be isolated. Its spread through contact, like shared toys (mostly from droll saliva I think).

    I read a bunch because I  was accidentally exposed to it though her and was afraid being pg that I might be vulnerable to it. (I'm fine).

    According to my BFF (the mom) it's not the end of the world, it is just a huge PITA if the kid gets a bad case of it. Some kids dont get it, others  its mild. It's also supposed to be a bit like chicken pox, once you get it, you're good. 

    Good luck. BFF said symptoms started with a sore throat, so that might be something to watch for. Then call the pedi. 

  • We had a scare recently with this, and our pedi didn't seem overly concerned about me or fetus...just keep an eye out for symptoms (sore throat, rash, fever), and call your ob if something comes up.
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  • i was exposed to it two years ago one week before my wedding cause i worked in a lab i went running over to the pedis office accross the hall freaking out and the nurse told me it would be ok cause most of us had it as kids and as adults were immune to it.
    BFP 11/24/2012 - EDD 08/02/2012 - MC 11/28/2012 @ 4w5d
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