3rd Trimester

washing baby clothes

Im sure this question has been asked, but I cant find an pp on it.. Is is necessary to wash all new baby clothes??? I did it when I had my DD but dont know that Im gonna do it this time around.


Re: washing baby clothes

  • I watch my DD walk through stores accidently knocking clothes on the floor all the time.  Yes, I am washing all new baby clothes.  The exception might be clothes leftover from DD because I know they were washed before they went into storage but they have already been rewashed before putting them in drawers so that's a moot point. 
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  • I think you're supposed to because new clothes can have a lot of dyes and other things that might irritate baby's skin.
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  • I am washing everything because you never know where they have been.  Also, some newborn's skin is so sensitive and I do know the manufacturers use sizing that helps keep clothes looking pressed, and it can be an irritant. 
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  • imagedjfacemachine:
    I think you're supposed to because new clothes can have a lot of dyes and other things that might irritate baby's skin.

    This exactly.

    My mom still gets on my case if I wear clothes without washing them first.  For me.   So I always do, unless I'm desperate.

    Niblet's clothes will all get washed before she wears them, but I haven't done it yet because I haven't bought baby-friendly detergent yet, and then I'll start.   (Also, I haven't had my shower yet so I haven't gotten enough to fill a full load at this point, and have resisted buying anything on my own because everyone apparently loves to buy baby girls' clothes.)

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  • I wash everything.  I still wash all of DD's clothes before she wears them.  She has really sensitive skin.  Who knows if it would irritate her if I didn't wash them, but it makes me feel better.  And the thought of tons of people touching all the clothes creeps me out, especially for NB clothes. 
  • Think of how many hands touched those clothes in the factory where they were made. Always wash, as you never know where they have been.
  • YES!  they put all sorts of nasty chemicals on the clothes to make them wrinkle free, etc.  Just google it.  You dont want that stuff soaking into your nb's skin.
  • I wash all new everything - baby clothes, grown up clothes, etc.  You don't know who's touched them with what funk. 
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  • I wash everything before anyone in the family wears it.  DS had a reaction when I was desperate one night and put brand new pj's on him.  I won't be doing that again! 
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