My doctor said that he would not induce me any sooner than 39 weeks, it seems like in reading some of the recent posts lots of doctors induce earlier. I am just curious as to why that is? I for some reason got the impression that for insurance purposes my dr wouldn't induce earlier than that.
Don't get me wrong, I would rather go naturally than be induced but as it gets closer I keep thinking about all the different scenarios.
Re: Question about Inductions
Noel - August 2010
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Different doctors have different approaches.
My doctor's inducing me the day after my due date, THANK GOODNESS!!
(I'm also measuring ahead of my due date)
my baby is healthy and I'm ready to have her out!!
My friend was scheduled to be induced at 41 weeks and her baby went into distress and spent a month in the hospital the day before her scheduled induction. <--- that really scared me