
How to "break up" with daycare

Today I will be letting daycare know that I am pulling our DS. I have been having some problems but honestly I felt much better after I spoke with the assistant director last night. Well then today a AWESOME preschool with usually a wait list of a year plus let me know they had an opening. This never happens. Of course it is a no brainer, he is going there and to make things better a week of free tuition because they want him to start sooner than later and realize that I have to give notice. I want them to know I am thankful for everything they have done but not sure what to say in my written notice. DH and I figured out last night that I am driving an extra 50 miles a day taking him to his current school so even if things were fixed we would move him eventually. Thanks for any input!

Re: How to "break up" with daycare

  • Our e-mail went something like this:

    "My DH and I have decided to move our children to another center. Their last day will be x date. Please let their classrooms know.

    We have decided to move to a center that is closer to home. Our decision to change centers was not an easy one. We have appreciated all that you have done for us since our children have been in your care.

    Sincerely, the X family" 

    I put in a couple examples of things I thought that went well, and a couple other reasons why the new center fit our needs. While DH didn't think it was necessary to go into such detail, it made me feel better.

    You sound excited about the switch. Good luck!

  • Thanks!! I am beyond excited. I know this will be such a great thing for DS. It is such an awesome program. I am still in shock that he got a spot.

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