3rd Trimester

Freaking out need some reassurance

I'll start out by saying that I'm probably over reacting but I'm stuck in training and can't get ahold of my dr yet I ate some smoked salmon this AM not really thinking. I emailed my dr office and the nurse responded I should avoid it but also deli meat. However at our first appt my doctor told me it wasn't an issue. Generally she's very laid back. So now my nurse is contradicting the dr and I've eaten a good bit of deli meat. It's not so much the deli meat as the I feel like I don't know what rules to follow bc my dr is so laid back. It would almost be easier if she had strict rules. I'm sure everything is fine I'm just ...frusterated? I feel like Im 6.5 mos along and still lost
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Re: Freaking out need some reassurance

  • OB's typically say that you can have lunch meat as long as you heat it up.  However I think a lot of us have eaten it at some point while not hot.  I really woudn't worry about it since you haven't gotten sick.  My doc doesn't wanting me eating sushi but I ignored her Devil.  You aren't lost you just need to breathe!  And really it's not a big deal at all!
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  • Man, I haven't seen a deli meat question since first trimester! You can be as rigid or lenient as you want regarding the foods that you eat. The concern in deli meat is listeria, which is very uncommon to begin with. My doctor told me that everything is fine in moderation. I would just go by what your doctor says and next time you are in their office ask about it and tell him/her that you got a differing response from the nurse at their office.
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  • I agree with PP, no need to get upset about it!
  • Stupid computer...repost!

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  • I haven't changed anything I eat at all. I still go out for sushi [though not as often], I love me some honey turkey sammiches, and I ate cookie dough last week. Everything is fine with me and baby, so if I were you, I wouldn't worry.Though, I would talk to your doctor about the conflicting views he and his staff have. You're going to want consistent advice.

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  • Listeria is very rare, you will be fine :)
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  • It comes down to what you're comfortable with - if eating deli meat and smoked salmon is going to make you worry, then stay away from it. Try to relax about the stuff you have eaten - chances are very, very small that anything bad will happen. And I agree, ask your doctor to get everyone on the same page at their office (though frankly, the fact that the nurse thinks one thing and the doctor thinks another is pretty much proof that it's just a matter of comfort...). hth
    DS1 - Feb 2008

    DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)

  • ::looks at OP ticker::

    Been a while since I've seen a deli meat question.

    I'll put my deli meat sandwich down for a second to type with two hands: Sure you are fine. Freaking out not required.


  • imageCathyMD:

    ::looks at OP ticker::

    Been a while since I've seen a deli meat question.

    I'll put my deli meat sandwich down for a second to type with two hands: Sure you are fine. Freaking out not required.



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  • I personally have avoided deli meat since it was the only thing my dr told me not to eat, but honestly, I think you will be fine.  I know a lot of pg women still eat it and their babies turn out just fine. 
  • I wouldn't worry about it, but as PPs have said if it freaks you out.. don't do it next time.



    image  image

  • Thanks. Honestly it wasn't the deli meat so much as suddenly my own dr's office is giving contradictory info. Frusterating is probably the best term for it and worriesome only in that it made me wonder what else I was getting different messages on. I needed the virtual face slap ;)
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