I agree with being financially responsible but I don''t think you need to be wealthy to stay at home with your kids or you need to have a bunch of years in savings. I do believe that if you want them to, things work.
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I hate Dora, Pooh, Disney, or any other character on clothing or bedding for LO. Every time someone gives something like that to us I smile, say thank you, and send it to the Goodwill.
I saw that last night and was like...well then, why are you replying?!!?!
and apparently I am not 100% awake yet, this was in reply to MissNikki's post about the names...
Mine for today would be that after researching some things, I have changed my point of view on some things regarding delivery and options...well I tell people my change of view and they respond with "why?! you were not saying this previously!" Ummm, can't I change my mind??
Coming from an already frustrating morning at work with a particular co-irker: Pregnancy has little to do with why I am irritated with you-- I'm irritated because you are irresponsible and disorganized. Stop calling me a "grumpy pregnant woman" and get to work, fool.
I don't blame my actions on my hormones or pregnancy and still make it into the office on time more than you do.
I guess that was more of a vent than a UO. I just hate it when people blame their pregnancy or someone else's for poor work relationships or performance.
Ok this is from our morning work discussion in the office....
The word PENIS should NEVER be used during sexy time. It is not a sexy hot turn on word, so yea..sorry for all of you that use it in the bedroom, but it is just weird!
Ok this is from our morning work discussion in the office....
The word PENIS should NEVER be used during sexy time. It is not a sexy hot turn on word, so yea..sorry for all of you that use it in the bedroom, but it is just weird!
Hahah, this makes me smile-- but I also think pet names for the penis are weird....
apparently I missed something last night.. oh well
I'm a sahw, my house is spotless, and so I spend a lot of time sitting on the couch watching tv, and surfing on the internet. I have no guilt for doing so.
Coming from an already frustrating morning at work with a particular co-irker: Pregnancy has little to do with why I am irritated with you-- I'm irritated because you are irresponsible and disorganized. Stop calling me a "grumpy pregnant woman" and get to work, fool.
I don't blame my actions on my hormones or pregnancy and still make it into the office on time more than you do.
I guess that was more of a vent than a UO. I just hate it when people blame their pregnancy or someone else's for poor work relationships or performance.
And then when you're not pregnant, it must be PMS.
I cant believe how many people are sh*tting their pants worrying about what they'll do if they "go into labor" at work, or while their husband isnt home, etc. 99% of the time the baby isnt going to come flying out of you as soon as you have your first contraction. It almost makes me feel sad that so many people seem to be so uneducated on the whole labor & birth process.
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I can't stand the birth stories. Although I think that is because they are SOOOOO long. I would be more inclined to read them if they were straight to the point with a cute pic at the end.
Coming from an already frustrating morning at work with a particular co-irker: Pregnancy has little to do with why I am irritated with you-- I'm irritated because you are irresponsible and disorganized. Stop calling me a "grumpy pregnant woman" and get to work, fool.
I don't blame my actions on my hormones or pregnancy and still make it into the office on time more than you do.
I guess that was more of a vent than a UO. I just hate it when people blame their pregnancy or someone else's for poor work relationships or performance.
And then when you're not pregnant, it must be PMS.
Yes! I have several female coworkers that often blame PMS for overreacting or sleeping in or just being a asshat in general. LAME.
I hate Dora, Pooh, Disney, or any other character on clothing or bedding for LO. Every time someone gives something like that to us I smile, say thank you, and send it to the Goodwill.
Same. I will also add anything that says "princess" or "diva" etc. on it. Over the weekend I told my MIL not to bother buying her anything that says "princess" on it because she won't be wearing it. lol
I think it's lame when people reply to a name thread just to say that they aren't sharing their name.
I think it's lame to not share your name with a bunch of strangers who don't really give a sh!t.
Also, I think a lot of people have ugly kids.
I agree with all of this. I really don't get why people don't share their name period. So no one steals it? Unless you totally make up the name, someone else is going to have the same name as your child, so get over it. Name drama in general is lame.
I hate Dora, Pooh, Disney, or any other character on clothing or bedding for LO. Every time someone gives something like that to us I smile, say thank you, and send it to the Goodwill.
Same. I will also add anything that says "princess" or "diva" etc. on it. Over the weekend I told my MIL not to bother buying her anything that says "princess" on it because she won't be wearing it. lol
I saw a baby tracksuit yesterday that had "sweetheart" on the tush... I had no words for this.
apparently I missed something last night.. oh well
I'm a sahw, my house is spotless, and so I spend a lot of time sitting on the couch watching tv, and surfing on the internet. I have no guilt for doing so.
Could you please come over and just do the dusting in my house? I'll make you in gourmet cupcakes.
Yummy! but I can't have cupcakes anymore.. the doctor says I might have GD, so I have to monitor my blood sugar, and change my diet..
Reading that girls' name thread below, there are a lot of awful, made-up names that some of these poor little girls are going to be called. Oy. Think about how your daughter's name will look on a resume ladies!
I hate Dora, Pooh, Disney, or any other character on clothing or bedding for LO. Every time someone gives something like that to us I smile, say thank you, and send it to the Goodwill.
Same. I will also add anything that says "princess" or "diva" etc. on it. Over the weekend I told my MIL not to bother buying her anything that says "princess" on it because she won't be wearing it. lol
Yes I forgot those! Oh and like a PP said anything that has a saying on it like "does this diaper make my butt look big" (I seriously recieved this as a gift for DD). YUCK.
I think that there would not be so many SAHM vs. WM yatches if we would all just have confidence in our decisions. Families are different Choosing to SAH, or Work with children is personal, and up to no one but you and DH.
The disagreements are always the same, and the working moms end up looking materialistic and selfish, and sah moms look poor and haggard.... MYOB.
I hate Dora, Pooh, Disney, or any other character on clothing or bedding for LO. Every time someone gives something like that to us I smile, say thank you, and send it to the Goodwill.
Same. I will also add anything that says "princess" or "diva" etc. on it. Over the weekend I told my MIL not to bother buying her anything that says "princess" on it because she won't be wearing it. lol
Ha! I wish I could tell my MIL this. Thankfully, I'm having a boy, because at a family member's shower (having a girl), my MIL gave a gift bag full of shirts that said "Future Flirt", "Diva", and random other tacky sayings.
I judge parents that let thier daughters wear pants with writing on the a$$.
I saw a child with a pair of shorts on and they had handprints on the a$$...she was about 5. WTF?
I agree 100% & not only for lil kids. Teens as well. I just want to scream at them. "You look like a slut". I don't understand parents letting their kids wear whatever they desire. Cover your *** up!
I think that there would not be so many SAHM vs. WM yatches if we would all just have confidence in our decisions. Families are different Choosing to SAH, or Work with children is personal, and up to no one but you and DH.
The disagreements are always the same, and the working moms end up looking materialistic and selfish, and sah moms look poor and haggard.... MYOB.
AGREED! DH and I have our own reasons why We chose that I be a SAHM.
I hate Dora, Pooh, Disney, or any other character on clothing or bedding for LO. Every time someone gives something like that to us I smile, say thank you, and send it to the Goodwill.
Same. I will also add anything that says "princess" or "diva" etc. on it. Over the weekend I told my MIL not to bother buying her anything that says "princess" on it because she won't be wearing it. lol
My biggest fear...how many of those awful saying outfits will people buy me at my shower.
Oh I have another one... Bows and headbands on baby girls. Ok every once in a while cute. Every single day, every single picture, especially when the flowers or bows are bigger than the poor babies head. Oh my gosh, just stop!
I agree with this! A friend of mine will not stop putting headbands with big-a$$ bows on her daughter's head. She took it off the other day and you could see the imprint of the lace headband on the baby's head. It creeped me out.
The two men in my life. Oh, and I have a husband too...
but I can't have cupcakes anymore.. the doctor says I might have GD, so I have to monitor my blood sugar, and change my diet..
How about some crab dip? or is that a no-no? Tell me what you are allowed to eat and Iw ill make it form scratch if you'll just come dust my house
LOL I would but I can't get as motivated to clean someone else home, as I can with mine.. I tried, I tried to do that with my parent's house and it didn't work..
there is nothing good about country music. nothing.
Blasphemy! There are awesome things about Patsy Cline, Hank Williams and Dwight Yoakam. New country sucks. Old country rules.
I thought of a really good U/O on Tuesday, but I can't remember it now.
Unable to even.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
Reading that girls' name thread below, there are a lot of awful, made-up names that some of these poor little girls are going to be called. Oy. Think about how your daughter's name will look on a resume ladies!
I think those with opinions like quoted above are ridiculous.
A) Isn't EVERY name "made-up" ? Wasn't it "created" at some point?
There are at least 5 spellings for EVERY name. If my name is spelled Chelsea, and a friend's name is spelled Chelsey, and a co-workers name is spelled Chelsie.. does that make two out of the three sets of parents "illiterate"? NO.
C) I'm no angel to not smirk internally at some name choices - and I absolutely don't expect everyone to agree with or like my name choice - but arguments against diverse spellings of names just make me laugh at how close minded people can be.
D) If you ask me what my name choice is - and then I tell you. I'm simply going to smile and nod at your response if it is negative because ultimately its MY choice, and I have MY reasons which have nothing to do with YOU - and its your fault for asking me in the first place.
A phrase I always thought was comical (only because it was posted outside of a church).
"Why are those who are so close minded have such open mouths."
Rant over.
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Re: **UO** who wants to play?
I agree with being financially responsible but I don''t think you need to be wealthy to stay at home with your kids or you need to have a bunch of years in savings. I do believe that if you want them to, things work.
I'm going to go along with this because I'm breaking all of these "rules" except the first one.
-My registry was included on the invites-yes I registered for my 2nd baby
-My husband is coming to the shower (it's 99% family, so he will know them all and want to see them)
-I'm having a shower for my 2nd child
For the record: My DD is 9...there's no way I have anything left, and if I did it would be too outdated to use!
my read shelf:
there is nothing good about country music. nothing.
if you use the term "making love" i simply cannot take you seriously. i just can't.
look at the birds | bless this food
my read shelf:
and apparently I am not 100% awake yet, this was in reply to MissNikki's post about the names...
Mine for today would be that after researching some things, I have changed my point of view on some things regarding delivery and options...well I tell people my change of view and they respond with "why?! you were not saying this previously!" Ummm, can't I change my mind??
Coming from an already frustrating morning at work with a particular co-irker: Pregnancy has little to do with why I am irritated with you-- I'm irritated because you are irresponsible and disorganized. Stop calling me a "grumpy pregnant woman" and get to work, fool.
I don't blame my actions on my hormones or pregnancy and still make it into the office on time more than you do.
I guess that was more of a vent than a UO. I just hate it when people blame their pregnancy or someone else's for poor work relationships or performance.
Ok this is from our morning work discussion in the office....
The word PENIS should NEVER be used during sexy time. It is not a sexy hot turn on word, so yea..sorry for all of you that use it in the bedroom, but it is just weird!
Hahah, this makes me smile-- but I also think pet names for the penis are weird....
Ha! I was so thinking this. Why the hell even reply to the thread.
Also, reading that name post makes me very happy that Baby J's middle name isn't Grace.
apparently I missed something last night.. oh well
I'm a sahw, my house is spotless, and so I spend a lot of time sitting on the couch watching tv, and surfing on the internet. I have no guilt for doing so.
And then when you're not pregnant, it must be PMS.
Yes! I have several female coworkers that often blame PMS for overreacting or sleeping in or just being a asshat in general. LAME.
Same. I will also add anything that says "princess" or "diva" etc. on it. Over the weekend I told my MIL not to bother buying her anything that says "princess" on it because she won't be wearing it. lol
I agree with all of this. I really don't get why people don't share their name period. So no one steals it? Unless you totally make up the name, someone else is going to have the same name as your child, so get over it. Name drama in general is lame.
I saw a baby tracksuit yesterday that had "sweetheart" on the tush...
I had no words for this.
Yummy! but I can't have cupcakes anymore.. the doctor says I might have GD, so I have to monitor my blood sugar, and change my diet..
Yes I forgot those! Oh and like a PP said anything that has a saying on it like "does this diaper make my butt look big" (I seriously recieved this as a gift for DD). YUCK.
I think that there would not be so many SAHM vs. WM yatches if we would all just have confidence in our decisions. Families are different Choosing to SAH, or Work with children is personal, and up to no one but you and DH.
The disagreements are always the same, and the working moms end up looking materialistic and selfish, and sah moms look poor and haggard.... MYOB.
I judge parents that let thier daughters wear pants with writing on the a$$.
I saw a child with a pair of shorts on and they had handprints on the a$$...she was about 5. WTF?
my read shelf:
Ha! I wish I could tell my MIL this. Thankfully, I'm having a boy, because at a family member's shower (having a girl), my MIL gave a gift bag full of shirts that said "Future Flirt", "Diva", and random other tacky sayings.
I agree 100% & not only for lil kids. Teens as well. I just want to scream at them. "You look like a slut". I don't understand parents letting their kids wear whatever they desire. Cover your *** up!
AGREED! DH and I have our own reasons why We chose that I be a SAHM.
My biggest fear...how many of those awful saying outfits will people buy me at my shower.
I agree with this! A friend of mine will not stop putting headbands with big-a$$ bows on her daughter's head. She took it off the other day and you could see the imprint of the lace headband on the baby's head. It creeped me out.
The two men in my life. Oh, and I have a husband too...
LOL I would but I can't get as motivated to clean someone else home, as I can with mine.. I tried, I tried to do that with my parent's house and it didn't work..
Blasphemy! There are awesome things about Patsy Cline, Hank Williams and Dwight Yoakam. New country sucks. Old country rules.
I thought of a really good U/O on Tuesday, but I can't remember it now.
Unable to even.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
I think those with opinions like quoted above are ridiculous.
A) Isn't EVERY name "made-up" ? Wasn't it "created" at some point?
C) I'm no angel to not smirk internally at some name choices - and I absolutely don't expect everyone to agree with or like my name choice - but arguments against diverse spellings of names just make me laugh at how close minded people can be.
D) If you ask me what my name choice is - and then I tell you. I'm simply going to smile and nod at your response if it is negative because ultimately its MY choice, and I have MY reasons which have nothing to do with YOU - and its your fault for asking me in the first place.
A phrase I always thought was comical (only because it was posted outside of a church).
"Why are those who are so close minded have such open mouths."
Rant over.