3rd Trimester

Less baby movement 36 wks

LO's movement have always been so irregular but now that I am at 36wks it seems as if the movements are more like they were at 18wks. More of a flutter then the massive kicking where you can see my whole belly move. I know it's gotta be tight in there but I was just curious if this was happening to other people. I have read some posts that their LO move more now. I am seeing my MW today but still just curious.

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Re: Less baby movement 36 wks

  • totally normal.. If you worried lay on your left side for 2 hours and lookf for 10 movements.. if you don't get them then call asap. GL!

    4-7-11 - Natural MC @ 4w5d 6-27-11- MC @ 5w6dPgAL/PAL WelcomeDD#1- 8/20/2010DD#2- 6/21/2012EDD #3~ 5/1/2014 ~ Team Green
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • I think as long as you are still feeling movement of any kind you are ok.  My little guy is def crammed and I don't really get much more than a roll or a nudge from him now.  It's been that way for a couple weeks. I mentioned it to my dr and he said that was normal.

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