3rd Trimester

psa: bag balm

omg, it rules. my belly has been so itchy for the past few weeks, and the oil i bought for it is so expensive. when i was at the feed store a month or so ago, i saw some "bag balm" for sale, and i thought, what the heck. i just used it the first time today, and it's fabulous. the smell is not the greatest, but it's helping the itch so much that i don't care. it was really cheap and i've read that it has a higher lanolin content than a lot of products marketed especially for pregnant women. it makes sense... there's only three ingredients.

Re: psa: bag balm

  • In my hometown, every.single.person. has a container of bag balm in their medicine cabinet! It's an institution! I've used it for every skin irritation known to man and it works like a charm!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Thanks for the tip! My husband uses this for his eczema (he gets it on his elbows and knuckles) and he swears by it!
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  • not to mention it is the BEST on diaper rashes once LO comes :-)
  • we use it- it really makes sense since it is used universally for cow udders in the winter- to keep them from drying out and cracking- i imagine it would work the same way for us...maybe ill try it- we have plenty on stock!
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