3rd Trimester

Had to take the 3 hr? Good come talk to me...

So did my 3 yesterday...and I was good...worried over nothing as far as the testing went...

NOW last night was a different story. My heart was racing BAD, my BHC's were pretty painful, I was sick a couple times...So to anyone else who has done this did you have any after effects later on in the day/night?  Was it just coincidence that all this happened the same day as my test? I just hope whatever it was doesnt happen again! I was miserable last night and got ZERO sleep.


Re: Had to take the 3 hr? Good come talk to me...

  • I didn't have anything like that...I had alot of nausea afterwards so I just went to bed and slept a few hours. I felt better when I woke up though.

    I'm sorry you felt so bad :(

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  • imagejessie395:

    I didn't have anything like that...I had alot of nausea afterwards so I just went to bed and slept a few hours. I felt better when I woke up though.

    I'm sorry you felt so bad :(

    it was so weird! maybe i had a little bug? I couldnt sleep, couldnt eat, and I think the weirdest thing was my heartrate! It was freaking me out. You know when you can feel it in overdrive that it's racing pretty good! But it came and went....so strange.

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  • imageLILBIT1221:

    I didn't have anything like that...I had alot of nausea afterwards so I just went to bed and slept a few hours. I felt better when I woke up though.

    I'm sorry you felt so bad :(

    it was so weird! maybe i had a little bug? I couldnt sleep, couldnt eat, and I think the weirdest thing was my heartrate! It was freaking me out. You know when you can feel it in overdrive that it's racing pretty good! But it came and went....so strange.

    Maybe you just had a sugar overload? I know that drink was alot worse than the 1 hour drink. The nurse told me it had twice the sugar.


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  • I had mine yesterday as well. After and during my test i was dizzy and nauseous. When I got home I could barely eat and had to go straight to bed because I had an awful headache. As far as I know I have not had any BH but I have had periods of my heart racing since 18 weeks. I asked my doctor about it and she said it could be from dehydration and/or a symptom of my anemia. I am sorry that you had a rough day yesterday and I hope you feel better today.
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  • Yes, I felt terrible for the rest of the day afterward. It was due to hypoglycemia--low blood sugar--after the test. I checked my blood sugar with DH's meter (he has diabetes), and I was 38! I had to eat a bunch of sugar very quickly, and then I felt horrible for the rest of the day as my body tried to fight to normalize its blood sugar levels.

    I think the pancreas overreacts to that huge dose of glucose and releases too much insulin into your system. All of that fluctuation can indeed make a person sick. 

    "To me, you are perfect."

  • I worry about these tests because I am hypoglycemic. My Dr. knows this, but still wants me to take it. I guess I'll just have to try and eat a decent meal after I get done with the 1hr and hope I pass.
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  • imageKJmashup:

    Yes, I felt terrible for the rest of the day afterward. It was due to hypoglycemia--low blood sugar--after the test. I checked my blood sugar with DH's meter (he has diabetes), and I was 38! I had to eat a bunch of sugar very quickly, and then I felt horrible for the rest of the day as my body tried to fight to normalize its blood sugar levels.

    I think the pancreas overreacts to that huge dose of glucose and releases too much insulin into your system. All of that fluctuation can indeed make a person sick. 

    your smartness is totally hot!

  • imageLILBIT1221:

    Yes, I felt terrible for the rest of the day afterward. It was due to hypoglycemia--low blood sugar--after the test. I checked my blood sugar with DH's meter (he has diabetes), and I was 38! I had to eat a bunch of sugar very quickly, and then I felt horrible for the rest of the day as my body tried to fight to normalize its blood sugar levels.

    I think the pancreas overreacts to that huge dose of glucose and releases too much insulin into your system. All of that fluctuation can indeed make a person sick. 

    your smartness is totally hot!

    *blushes* :) This is one of the few subjects I actually know a lot about.  

    "To me, you are perfect."

  • I was a mess for the rest of the night--I kept going between not being hungry, to sick, to craving sugar. I felt better the next day, though. Hope you are too.
  • When I had mine done in June I didn't have anything like that. Were you able to eat anything after the test? I felt wiped out but DH insisted on a huge meal afterwards so I think that may have curbed it for me.
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  • imageMrsSummitCounty:
    I was a mess for the rest of the night--I kept going between not being hungry, to sick, to craving sugar. I felt better the next day, though. Hope you are too.

    I do today, other than sleepy from not sleeping last night Thanks! ...I think it was just that it hit me so much later that threw me for a loop. Especially since I really had no issues while taking the test...

  • I think it just messes up what is already a delicate balance in your body. Get a good night's sleep tonight!
  • imageMrsSummitCounty:
    I think it just messes up what is already a delicate balance in your body. Get a good night's sleep tonight!
    by gosh I dont think the word delicate has ever been used when referring to anything having to do with me...I do declare i am flattered ha-ha
  • I passed my 3 hr.  I felt like CRAP the whole rest of the day.  Sleepy, thirsty, and just plain o' dead. I know others who had a similar experience.  I had to fast the midnight before, which included not drinking water.  The lack of water in this heat is what put me over the edge.
  • I was very jittery and dizzy afterwards for a few hours.  I also had extreme nausea!
  • I had the 3 hour on Monday, felt sick the rest of the day, and yesterday, today I feel ok, just more hungry than usual. Hope you feel better and get some rest!!
  • Ok, I had something similar.

    Took the 3 hr in the morning.  Went to work.  At about 6, i had lower abdominal cramps.  Checked my list, noted it was a "call the dr. if..." symptom, and called, got the on-call dr.  Told me it couldn't be related to my GD test.  Ok.  But told me to drink water and lay on my side for an hour and if it didn't go away, come in to the hospital.  Did what I was told, and it didn't go away.  Went to the hospital... except we didn't, because DH started going the wrong way, and after all that water, I had to pee (for the 3rd time in a 1/2 hour) so we stopped at a drug store so I could pee, and I walked around looking for the bathroom, and the act of walking around made it better. Not gone, but better.  So we called the dr, told her what happened, and she said, if you feel you can wait until the morning, ok.

    So we waited, and I went in to my dr. in the morning, and they checked me for pre-term labor (A-ok) and did some other tests.

    No explanation ever given.

    I swear it had to be the GD test, I don't care what the on-call said.    The NP said it may have been dehydration related to having taken the GD test, but I stayed pretty hydrated later that day, so I'm not sure I buy that, either.

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  • I had the lemon-lime flavor, it wasn't that bad.  I was told there would be side affects of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and something else that I can't remember.  I had the nausea, and while my mom and I were walking around outside waiting...I seriously thought I wasn't going to be able to control my bowels.  I raced to the bathroom, and then afterwards I felt very very nauseous.  Sucked big time. 

    As soon as I was ready to leave we went and ate, and while I was driving back...I felt so tired, my head was starting to bob up and down.  When we got home I slept for about 10 or so hours.  It kicked my butt!

    However, the next time I get my get my blood drawn...I'm going to mention that they aren't wearing gloves.  One girl (I had 3 different ladies draw me) actually wore gloves, and her poke with the 22 gauge was the nicest.  I liked her. 

    I didn't get a racing heartrate, but I just became way tired.  I'm still tired and could sleep for maybe another 5 hours.

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