3rd Trimester

What does DH do to annoy you at this point?

My DH is absolutely certain I'm going to deliver early, and keeps bugging me each night for symptoms and reminding me the baby can come any time now. Yes, I know he can come at any point, but it's just about as likely it's going to be 3wks from now in early Sept as well. I know he's just really excited, and can't tell what's going on in my body, but it sometimes just feels like extra pressure when it's already hard enough to be waiting around for the real thing.
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Re: What does DH do to annoy you at this point?

  • Asking me how I feel like a hundred times a day...I appreciate his concern, but I'm not one to keep from him if I'm not feeling well or something weird is going on...

    For example, this morning I was in bed still waking up, literally alarm had just gone off, and he asked how I was feeling. I said "I'll let you know when I'm actually awake."

    I love him and he just doesn't know what else to do/say, but come on honey!

     BFP#1- 2/12/10 DD born 10/20/10
     BFP#2- 7/27/13 EDD- 4/5/13 CP 8/4/13 @ 5weeks1day
     BFP#3- 12/1/13 EDD- 8/10/14

  • He's a teacher and the last month of summer break, he was up until 3 or 4 in the morning every night and then slept all hours of the day. I was still working at the time so I had to go to bed much earlier. Now I'm stuck at home and he's back at school and he'll come home exhausted and take a nap after school, while I'm like a little puppy dog just happy to have someone to play with! I wish he would get on a normal schedule...he says he will, but he means once soccer season starts and I'll NEVER see him.
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  • Everything... I'm irritable.
    My 2 girls, both born on a Friday the 13th, are exactly 2 years, 2 months, 2 hours and 2 minutes apart! And Baby Boy joined us October 11, 2013! image
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  • wakes up breathing on a daily basis.

    damn I AM grumpy this morning.

  • imageJune2007:
    Everything... I'm irritable.

    Ha!  Pretty much this :)  And then to make it worse, he gets mad when I get in a grumpy mood.  Dude.  I'm 8 facking months pregnant and lugging around almost an extra 30% of my normal body weight and it's 100 degrees and I wake up to pee 10 times a night.  You'd be grumpy too!

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  • everything :) although my favorite is when I ask him to empty the dishwasher adn he literally dumps the whole silverwear holder into the silverwear drawer......so nothing is sorted.  How long does it take to put them in the correct places????
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  • imagenicole0719:
    everything :) although my favorite is when I ask him to empty the dishwasher adn he literally dumps the whole silverwear holder into the silverwear drawer......so nothing is sorted.  How long does it take to put them in the correct places????

    OMG! THIS! Nothing is ever put int he right place....ever!  I have a mild case of OCD, and it drives me crazy when he cant put things away in the right place. Plates are where bowls should be, cups in the wrong place. I mean how hard is it to look where everything else it.. and just put it in the same place?

  • imageLILBIT1221:

    wakes up breathing on a daily basis.

    damn I AM grumpy this morning.

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  • He spends a lot of time complaining that things aren't done -- but then does nothing to get them done. And when I say "so this just means you're complaining about the things i'm not doing" he's like, "No, no, I mean both of us!"

    I'm the one who has researched ALL the baby gear stuff, has cleaned out the entire nursery (we'd been using it as a storage closet), reorganized the bedroom to put all the clothes we'd been storing in the nursery in there, registered, goes to all the appointments, writes all the thank you notes for the things we've gotten, signed up for all the childbirth classes and hospital tours and etc., researched and contacted all the pediatricians, contacted all the workers we need to help us get the nursery ready.... oh right, and CARRIED THE BABY. 

    Little things!

    And then last night I asked him to rub my belly and he acted like it was some huge imposition. I gave him the death glare. 

    Okay, vent over. I just wish he'd act a little happier when someone gives us a onesie, you know?

  • imageBeanie_mrt:

    Gets snippy when I can't think of a word or describe something properly.  He'll roll his eyes and move his hands as if to say, "any day now".

    It's like, Hey Doosh, I'm 34 weeks pregnant, give me a fvcking break or I will cut you.


    kick him in the shin!

  • I say all of the above!! LOL To top it off he has a huge deadline and has been working like 20 hour days...literally for the past two weeks. And I am here with the kids all day and exhausted myself. He's always been good with 'no' sleep~me on the other hand I can't hang with this! (yes I know it's going to be worse in a couple months) I know I should be thankful he has a good job and all, but booo hoooo me!! Pity party I suppose!? :)
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