call me and complain about how uncomfortable being pregnant is!!!!! First of all you barely had any morning sickness your first tri, when I was puking my guts up 24/7.
Second of all you are not working and you complain about your husband not doing things around the house when you ask him to. When I was 6 1/2 months pregnant my husband had to move in with his mom, which is 2.5 hrs away, because his work transfered him before the baby instead of after like he had asked and the apartment we arranged fell through. I was left living on the 3rd floor apartment with 2 dogs, a cat and an AC unit that wasn't working during the hottest month of the year. I had to pack all of our belongings on my own, arrange for friends to load up our moving van, and move us into a storage unit when I was 8 months pregnant! I REALLY don't care that you're a little sore and it took a month of nagging to get your husband to vaccume the stairs because when you tried to do it you coughed!
I am now just 2 weeks away, trying to stay positive because I know that even though I'm at 1cm, it still could be awhile. Trying to avoid all the massive drama going on at MIL's, trying to deal with the fact that my animals are with my mom, and her dog bit one of my dog resulting in her staying in the vet's office last night, and probably tonight too. Oh, and things are not going well for DH at his new location,
So, besides the fact that you are just entering your 2nd tri, which is when you have the most energy and typically feel the best during your pregnancy, and I am dragging along through the 3rd praying for progress, I DON'T CARE!!!
Sorry ladies, I just needed to vent. Even if I'd had a nice smooth pregnancy without all the outside stress I've been dealing with, I still would think it BS to call someone who is 8 months pregnant to complain about how bad of a time you're having.
Re: At 4 mos. Pregnant, you have no right to...
OMG.. what a friend.. does she have no sympathy for all that you are going through? I'm sorry you are having to deal with not only all the life stresses but her whining and complaining too. My advice would be (and i know this is totally flame worthy because everyone hates when this happens.. but...) to bombard her with the "oh you think you are uncomfortable now" ... "oh it's going to get so much worse for you.." etc.. comments. Every pregnant woman hates that, and by golly she deserves it a little bit if shes complaining this much so early on.
Lots of hugs sent your way : ) Hope things get better for you, and to me she doesn't seem like a good friend if she's sitting there complaining instead of talking to you and being a good friend while you are having a rough time (( hugs )).
This. And maybe she doesn't mean to be so annoying and looks to you to complain to bc maybe she thinks you can relate to her? You are her outlet to vent and this board is yours, I suppose. She isn't saying she has it worse than you, but perhaps bc she knows you have had a hard time that you will understand.