it doesn't hurt to read up on c-sections alittle prior to delivery. You never know what will happen!
My med free vaginal birth plan turned c-section completely caught me off guard. I never in a million years thought I would be that mom who ended up delivering via c-section and here I sit, almost 2 weeks pp still reading up on c-sections, healing, subsequent pregnancies, etc.
Just thought I would throw that out there since a few of you will probably find yourself in my shoes. I really hope not, but I'm proof that it does happen.
After 26 hours of labor and 3 hours of pushing, DS was not descending even though I was 10 cm dilated. My birth experience with DS #1 progressed normally and I assumed this one would go the same way. Just goes to show that every LO and birth is completely different. DS #2 was faceup and his head was at such an angle that he would not of made it through the birth canal (and he was still too high up to be manually manipulated).
Re: Even if you are planning for a vaginal delivery...
Excellent advice. I skipped over the c/s chapter in all of my books because I figured I just didn't need to read it. Yeah, wrong. I was totally unprepared and had no idea what to expect. I really wish I wouldn't have blown all that info off!
I hope your recovery is going well & congrats on your DS!
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i second this.
i don't even think i read the chapters on c/s in preparation for the birth of my son.
after 29 hours of labor i was so unprepared for the possibility of a c/s.
This is an excellent point, thank you. So what knowledge can you share with us? Advice? Good internet sources for info?
I agree! I was induced 3 wks early due to preeclampsia that I apparently didn't have and then I was in labor for 22 hrs and was dilated to 9 and LO didn't drop so I had to have a c-section.
Walk, walk, walk afterwards! A few hours after I was out I had the nurse help me up so I could try and walk around the halls. I was doing so well after that I could have gone home a day early. Also, before you can eat you have to pass gas it took a day and a half for me to be able to eat. They didn't tell me that until I was in recovery.
Seriously, you have to fart before they will let you eat?! That seems so odd! LOL How do they even monitor that?!