A friend sent me this link. Obviously I don't know how much faith I would put in it/what to think about it and eventually plan on talking to our ped about it, but just passing it along.
Also, at what age did you officially start puberty? (Get AF?) Just wondering! (I was 13)
P.S. I am not trying to stir sh!t and I hope this has not already been posted (sorry if it was) I really am just curious as to what your input is. Thanks!
Re: Did anyone hear this (and a question)
I'm actually shocked that people are surprised by this. Excess weight, higher sugar diets, hormones in meats and milk... I mean duh.
(I don't mean this against you. I've heard about this all over the radio over the past day or so and everyone sounds so surprised.)
I was in middle school, 8th grade I think, so 14 or 15. But I only got it once, and then didn't have another one for a year and a half or so. AF came regularly starting at 16.
I have heard several studies that children are reaching puberty earlier and earlier. A lot of people blame it on the horomones in the meat and dairy products. That is why so many people are trying to go organice, especially for the children.
Being of latin decent I definitely put a lot of stock into this. We started drinking organic milk years ago and the same with meats to cut the extra hormones out where ever we could. I have no idea how much it helps me but I think Im making a difference :P
I was 12 when I started my period but I had a "figure" from about 9... I was the only 4th grader with a B cup...
I was 12.
I've heard about it and a lot of people say it has to do with hormones in our food, especially milk. I'll try to find an article on it. It's scary.
BTW, I hate that the article says that the foundation for it can start in utero.
Just another thing for us to worry that we're already doing right for our child...
Kristen (7), Timothy (5), Robert (3), Charles (9 months)
I started getting boobs at 11 and got AF at 12. I was a chubster.
It freaks me out a little when I see 8 and 9 year olds in the feminine hygiene aisle talking to each other about which tampons are best. And they're talking from personal experience.
Unable to even.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
I was 15 when I first got my period. I did develop breasts in middle school though.
Ditto this. I don't know why people are shocked by this. Have you seen how huge kids are today? My third graders are almost my height and by fourth grade, they surpass me in height and sometimes weight.
Currently going through our second deployment. Can't wait for Zoe to meet her daddy!
I got my first period on my 13th b'day. Happy Birthday to me. I'm still waiting to grow boobs.
Like the PP's, I'm not surprised. I thought the buzz over hormones in meat/dairy in particular had been pretty well publicized in recent years.
I know you don't. I guess that's why I posted. Just wondering what you ladies thought of it. I understand that getting AF does not necessarily mean the very start of puberty and that the article states that it is when breasts begin to bud, etc. Again, I was just wondering. I was always very tall and lanky up until I was 23 (like I said, got AF at 13 and I didn't really "fill out" or get curvy 'til my early 20s. Before that I was just straight up and down) I was active in dance and always a pretty light eater.
I, too, think kids seem much bigger these days. I have two nieces who are 7 and 6 and they look 11 and 12. (To me, at least!)
Yeah, I've actually heard about this! Crazy.
I got my period when I was 14. I also went from flat to D around the same time. It was so awkward and embarrassing for me. I couldn't imagine any earlier.
HAHA! This is great!
HAHA This is me also
I was 8 when developing breasts and pubic hair, and a couple months shy of 10 when I started my period.
I get what they say about risky behaviors, I was a virgin til I was 16, but I had high school boys hitting on me who didnt realize I was only 10, and I dated some guys in their 20s when I was 13 and 14.
"We like nothing better than buffing our Zygoma. And imagining a horny time traveling long overcoat purple scarf wearing super sleuth nordic legend fuck fantasy. Get to work on that, internet." Benedict Cumberbatch
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And I was tall and skinny (no boobs), but still got my period at 11.
I was similar.
I was 10 when I started wearing a training bra, and it was the morning of my 11th birthday when my very first period started. Happy Birthday to me. My mom was also 11 when she first started.
I am also allergic to milk, so I didn't get any extra hormones from that. Early starter here too.
I was 15 when I got my period and had a very flat chest until I was probably 16. I was extremely skinny, so not sure if that had anything to do with it. I remember my best friend got her period in grade 5, and she had a B cup. All the boys teased her.
I definitely think there's something to the hormones in food theory. We have recently started eating organic produce and some dairy. We are also thinking of switching to grain fed meat. My mom passed away from breast cancer at the age of 47 and I'm not sure if eating organic will help with prevention or not, but we figure it's healthier for our entire family anyways.
I got my period at 13 and a half, till then I was flat as a board but by the time i was 14 I had a C cup! Talk about timing, just in time for freshman year of highschool..
my sister on the other hand was about 11 and still barely has a B cup to this day.. she's 18.