Hi ladies, (I'm still in my 2nd tri, but thought I might have better luck here...)
I'm considering doing the Hypnobabies home study course - I've heard good things about Hypno. But I'm wondering if the home study course involves the birth partner much? My DH and I would like for him to feel like he's part of this process and am worried a home study course might be a pretty solitary activity for me.
(We'll either do this or take a 3-session (looong sessions) Birthing from Within course with an instructor.)
Thanks for any input!
Re: Hypnobabies home study course, anyone??
i had a friend who delivered both her babies using the hypnobaby technique. her DH was DEFINITELY apart of the process. He was prepping things and assisting the midwife while my friend was going through whatever the tantric/hypno therapy thing is.
Hopefully that helps.
'm doing self-study and I really haven't involved DH much, but that's just me and him. this is our 2nd time around so we're not as involved.
Natural Birth board will have more people using this method to answer your question.
I'm just starting a prenatal course with a certified hypnobirthing trainer / doula now. Not sure DH is so into it, but I think that his involvement in the course, etc. will prove very helpful at the birth.
By the way, I just asked a question about this on the natural birth board, you can read others' responses:
Good luck!
If you follow this link it addresses this question. https://pregnancybirthandbabies.com/options.htm
The simple answer is yes, Dads are involved!