
c-section & going into labor before sched. date

What do they do if you go into labor but have recently eaten?  

Also, if you knew it was going to be a c/sec, how long/what point did you finally call to go in? 

Re: c-section & going into labor before sched. date

  • I ate pizza at 6, went in to the hospital around 930 and had to wait till 2 am for surgery bc I had eaten. I've heard some anesthesiologist don't make you wait that long, but the general rule is 8 hours. Those few hours of labor sucked because I knew the pain was all for nothing. Eta: I went in when the contractions started getting pretty painful. I actually had an nst that morning that showed ctx but the nurse poo pooed them because I didn't look like I was in pain. Otherwise I probably would have gone in earlier.
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  • I ate at 5:30pm, my water broke at 7:15pm, got to the hospital at 8:30pm.

    I think they deal with the food issue - they don't like it, but they have ways.  I ended up with a c section at 2am and still vomited all thru surgery (I pushed for 4 hours in between).

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  • ask your OB - it will all depend on the situation... how emergent it is, etc.

    If they can- they will wait about 8 hours... if things are a true emergency- they'll just go ahead with the c/s.

    don't stress about it- you can't control it.

  • I called as soon as I thought I felt different than the previous days.  I had had a previous section and didn't want to go into full blown labor.   The dr was afraid my previous section would be compromised and I would start bleeding from the inside.  That's the reason he went ahead and took them at 34 wks/6 days.

    I had eaten about an hour prior to going in to see the dr and he made me wait at the hospital another 7 hours prior to doing the section only so I wouldn't throw up from the anesthesia.


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  • Hmmm.  I've been contracting on and off for a week but they don't really hurt yet.  Even during the NST's, on Friday I was contracting regularly every 2-3 minutes but OB sent me home because they don't hurt.  At worst, it's uncomfortable when I have pressure that feels like I need to have a BM.  I guess if I'm suspecting that something is happening I'll hold off a bit.

    It was so much easier with my first.  My water broke and it went vag.  This is a whole different game so I feel like it's my first time. 

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