Hi! I just had a question for you. When did your contractions go from just normal to having to take medicine for them? I have been getting Braxton Hicks more and more lately but I especially get them when I drive/stand up too long/sit up too long. The only thing that seems to help is by laying down. I just don't know if it is something to be concerned with or it's normal. It just feels like I can't really do much without them coming on. They aren't painful but just annoying. I was monitored last week and only got 1 in the hour but that was because I was laying down.
Re: iluvadam
Hi there! Long time no talk girl!! How are you feelin these days...besides the contractions?
I used to be able to stop them by chugging a lot of water and lying on my left side when I would get them really bad. Then a couple of weeks ago I couldn't get them to stop so I had to go to L&D for IV hydration which helped...until I got back home. The next day wasn't much better either so my OB put me on Procardia ER 30mg 1x a day. I was to take it before bed to minimize discomfort from any side effects. I didn't feel like I had any side effects from it but regardless that is when he wanted me to take it so that is what I did. I felt like it worked great in the mornings but not so well from about 2pm on. I told my OB at my last appoinment that it wasn't working very well for me but he kept it the same anyway. Well, yesterday I went in for my 28 week check and I am dilated to 1 cm. Bummer. He upped my Procardia to 2x a day and added in 5mg of Brethia (I think that is what it is called), it is the brand name for terbutaline. I am to take that in addition to the Procardia.
I wasn't too concerned about the contractions once I got used to them being a normal part of my day. Now, it is a totally different story since I am already dilated. Now, they bother me. It is totally unsettling.
I would definitely bring up your concerns to your doctor and don't just let it go. It never hurts to ask.