Trouble TTC

New here with PCOS, Clomid and TTC

Hi there,

I am new to the boards here but have tried on my Iphone Bump application to find some support from other women in the same position as me, TTC with PCOS and on Clomid for the first time.

I apologize now if this is long but I want to get as much info/support from other women like me, so I figure all of the info will be helpful.

My husband and I have been off BC for a year now but not actively trying till July of this year.  I have PCOS and don't have regular cycles but I don't have cysts either.

We spoke with our OB/GYN in February about TTC this summer and she wrote me a RX for Clomid, 50 mg, and told me to to take it on cycle days 5-9 and use an OPK for days 10-14.  She also prescribed me progesterone to help my cycle start but it was unneeded since I had a cycle start on June 17 and another on July 17 (my body seems to be cooperating with this TTC thing a bit).

Well, I followed her orders, Started CD1 on July 17, took Clomid on days 5-9 and started testing on day 10.  Day 10 is the only day I got a ++ on an OPK so far, and today was CD 19.  I called to confirm my schedule for the clomid and OPKs before I left on our honeymoon and the nurse said that I should call when I get back to schedule a progesterone test to see if I did indeed ovulate.  I called when I got back and the story changed. :-(  The same nurse then said that the dr. didn't have any tests they wanted to do and that I should have been using the OPKs on CD7-12!!!!  I'm switching dr's, needless to say.

So far, I've read that Clomid can make you get a false positive on an OPK (could that one and only positive on CD10 be false, I hope not).  I've heard that clomid can make your cm hostile, so we have been using Pre-Seed.  I had that one positive on day 10 and on CD16(evening - mild), CD17 (all day - moderate) and CD 18 (morning/afternoon-mild) had menstrual like cramps that would have me hard to convince that my AF wasn't coming or that I was ovulating.  Neither happened.  All - on the OPK and no AF (it seemed a little early for that).

I'm just so confused and I don't feel like I have a place to turn to.  I know that this is our first official month trying and it would be a miricle to get a BFP the first month, let alone any month.  I have a 9 year old son that was a surprise and I guess TTC is much harder when you are working on it and you're 33 instead of 23. 

If you have any helpful advice or personal experiences, I'd greatly appreciate it.  My DH is very hopeful that we were lucky in Maui but I have a hard time being that hopeful.  I know the disappointment will be so much greater if I let myself get too excited about the possiblility.

Blessings on your journey TTC!


Re: New here with PCOS, Clomid and TTC

  • First off-  Welcome.

    I can tell you pretty much all of us will tell you at least one thing which is you should try to find an RE in your area. OB's have a history of not monitoring you properly when you are taking Clomid. Going to a RE will not only give you the monitoring you need while on medications like Clomid, but it will also take care of doing any sot of further testing. Hope that helps

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker *First RE visit 5/10 *B/W & SA Normal! 6/10 *Laprascopy - Removed septum and cyst 7/10 *50 mg Clomid 8/21 +Trigger 9/1 = BFN *50 mg Clomid 9/17 = No response *100 mg Clomid 9/29 + Trigger 10/8= BFP!! *Beta 1= 297 *Beta 2= 612! *It's a Boy! EDD July 4th 2011 *Surprise!! Natural BFP! Beta 1=306, Beta 2= 1100! EDD Aug 18th 2012! IT's a BOY!
  • Hi and welcome!  I did my first medicated cycle with my OB too, so I understand the frustration.  Find a reproductive endocrinologist.  They will monitor you so much more than an OB will.  GL and HTH!
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  • Welcome! I'm sorry you're not getting the care you need from your GYN.  The other girls are right about recommending a RE.  Taking clomid unmonitored can have some scary consequences.  For example:

    Clomid can affect OPKs and it can cause cramping.  Good luck to you!

    It took 5 failed IUIs and a failed IVF, but our FET worked!
    My pregnancy after Infertility Blog
    Our baby girl was born on April 27, 2011!
  • HelsHels member

    I don't have much experience with PCOS or Clomid (two headed sperm on the other hand....).  Just wanted to say welcome! This is a great group.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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