Trouble TTC

Share your blog..

Morning ladies! I've been meaning to post this. I've loved "meeting" so many strong and amazing ladies through their blog. I never thought I would be one to start my own...but over time I've realized how important it is to have a place to "vent".

I know most of us have links to our blogs in our siggy...but I thought it would be nice to have one post where we could all share them.

 Soo...if you have a blog and would like us to check it out and follow your below! Smile

 (link to my blog in siggy...)

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Re: Share your blog..

  • There's a link in my siggy, feel free to check it out!!
    Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    My Blog
    TTC since 4/09 - Dx PCOS 1/10, HSG: All Clear
    4 Failed Clomid cycles of varying degrees
    Clomid + Bravelle + Trigger + IUI = BFP!!
    Ectopic M/C 9/16/10 ~ Forever in our hearts <3<BR> IVF using Donor Eggs (DE) 6/11
    BCP+Lupron+Estrogen+DE ET+PIO = BFP!!!
    Beta #1: 507 #2: 1561 #3: 4,472 #4: 11,172

    BFPBs Sul06, MrsW722 & SnowflakeBride06
    GL to Mari2003 and all of the rest of the 3T Ladies
    :) SAIFW :)
  • My link is in my siggy...however I'm not very good about updating it...
    Me 29 I DH 28
    Married in April 2007
    One Furbaby - Adorable Pitt Mix
    15 Months TTC....2nd Cycle of Letrozole - Success!
    Expecting our first two little miracles - Boy/Girl Twins! - EDD March 3, 2017
    High Risk Pregnancy - Type 1 Diabetic; Hypothyroidism; Di/Di Twin Pregnancy

    Pregnancy Ticker


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  • Hi, girls.  I've been lurking on and off on this board for a few months now, since I joined the TTC board, but I've never posted because I don't know yet if this is where I belong.  But after reading OP's blog, about low morph and unexplained IF, I fear this may be my place.

    MH has low testosterone, ED, and low morphology (3%), based off of his one and only SA.  I just thought I'd include HIS blog (linked in my siggy) in this post to give anyone who is interested a view of the man's perspective on IF issues. 

    I've been on the TTC board long enough to know posting without an intorduction isn't always the best idea, but I thought I'd take my chances because I really like this post and am interested in reading about other people's experiences. 

    May, 2010, DH DX: Low Testosterone
    July, 2010, DH SA: 3% morph
    July, 2010, DH Rx: 50 mg Clomid EOD
    BFP: 9/3/10 ~ M/C: 9/7/10
    BFP: 10/9/10 ~ My beautiful Grace Dorothy was born on 6/14/11
    Beta #1 (12 DPO): 111/24 ~ Beta #2 (16 DPO): 722/23 ~ Beta #3 (20 DPO): 3,338/15.3
    BFP: 11/14/11 ~ Spotting/Betas not doubling, but HB of 113 bpm @ 6 wks 1 day!
    My Chart
    BabyFruit Ticker
    DH's Low Testosterone/ED Blog
  • Link in siggy I just unlocked it
  • imagegeordie314:
    imageStick Around:

    Hi, girls.  I've been lurking on and off on this board for a few months now, since I joined the TTC board, but I've never posted because I don't know yet if this is where I belong.  But after reading OP's blog, about low morph and unexplained IF, I fear this may be my place.

    MH has low testosterone, ED, and low morphology (3%), based off of his one and only SA.  I just thought I'd include HIS blog (linked in my siggy) in this post to give anyone who is interested a view of the man's perspective on IF issues. 

    I've been on the TTC board long enough to know posting without an intorduction isn't always the best idea, but I thought I'd take my chances because I really like this post and am interested in reading about other people's experiences. 

    welcome to this board if this is where you find a comfortable place, I will def check out YH blog it will be interesting to see a mans point of view

    Thank you.

    May, 2010, DH DX: Low Testosterone
    July, 2010, DH SA: 3% morph
    July, 2010, DH Rx: 50 mg Clomid EOD
    BFP: 9/3/10 ~ M/C: 9/7/10
    BFP: 10/9/10 ~ My beautiful Grace Dorothy was born on 6/14/11
    Beta #1 (12 DPO): 111/24 ~ Beta #2 (16 DPO): 722/23 ~ Beta #3 (20 DPO): 3,338/15.3
    BFP: 11/14/11 ~ Spotting/Betas not doubling, but HB of 113 bpm @ 6 wks 1 day!
    My Chart
    BabyFruit Ticker
    DH's Low Testosterone/ED Blog
  • I dont have a blog - but I appreciate those who keep one.

    Here's my all-time favorite (non TTC):

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  • I've got mine in my siggy
    Our IVF Miracles! Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • Would love to share...mine is in my siggy!
  • My link is in my siggy. I am just getting started so it is not very good!
  • Thanks for posting this, I just changed my blog name and lost all my ladies.

    Blog in siggy!

  • Link in siggy
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  • I would love for you all to check out my blog, and follow along on my journey. My link is in my siggy. I actually just posted a post today that i really enjoyed writing. Our journey continues....
    My Blog

    Me:26 PCOS, IR, MTHFR c677t/c677t, arcuate uterus DH:27 4% morphology
    11/2006 Married My DH
    Started trying on Honeymoon
    2009/2009 4 failed clomid cycles, many BFN, PCOS Study
    4/2010 5 rounds of femara resulted in BFP!
    6/2010 Lost our little poppy.
    7/2010 DX: MTHFR C677t/C677t
    2/23/2011 Starting first IUI cycle. Follistim and ovidrel. Fingers crossed...
    First IUI=BFN Second IUI=BFN
    9/2011: IUI 3,4,5,6 BFN
    1/2012 New year New plan... First consult for IVF.
    4/3/2012 First day of our 1st IVF cycle..
    5/16 ER 14R 6M 5F (25+ empty follicles)
    5/19 ET 3dt of 2 grade A 8 cell embabies!!! Stick baby stick
    8dp3dt BFP! Beta#1 12dp3dt 136, #2 14dpt 336, #3 16dpt 845
    6/19/2012 7w HB 131!!! 6/27/2012 8w HB 173
    Baby Delaney is scheduled to be induced Jan 30, 2013!!

    imageimageimageLilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Ooo..I have some new blogs to follow. yay!

    My blog link is in my siggy :)

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  • imagebubbas-mama:
    Would love to share...mine is in my siggy!

    I can't figure out how to "follow" yours... is there a trick to it? haha

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  • Thanks ladies! Sorry I wasn't back on during the day...crazy day at work. But I'm looking forward to catching up on all my new "friends"!

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  • Link in siggy.  I'm new to blogging but love new followers Smile
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