Morning ladies! I've been meaning to post this. I've loved "meeting" so many strong and amazing ladies through their blog. I never thought I would be one to start my own...but over time I've realized how important it is to have a place to "vent".
I know most of us have links to our blogs in our siggy...but I thought it would be nice to have one post where we could all share them.
Soo...if you have a blog and would like us to check it out and follow your below!
(link to my blog in siggy...)
Re: Share your blog..
My Blog
TTC since 4/09 - Dx PCOS 1/10, HSG: All Clear
4 Failed Clomid cycles of varying degrees
Clomid + Bravelle + Trigger + IUI = BFP!!
Ectopic M/C 9/16/10 ~ Forever in our hearts
BCP+Lupron+Estrogen+DE ET+PIO = BFP!!!
Beta #1: 507 #2: 1561 #3: 4,472 #4: 11,172
BFPBs Sul06, MrsW722 & SnowflakeBride06
GL to Mari2003 and all of the rest of the 3T Ladies
Married in April 2007
One Furbaby - Adorable Pitt Mix
15 Months TTC....2nd Cycle of Letrozole - Success!
Expecting our first two little miracles - Boy/Girl Twins! - EDD March 3, 2017
High Risk Pregnancy - Type 1 Diabetic; Hypothyroidism; Di/Di Twin Pregnancy
Hi, girls. I've been lurking on and off on this board for a few months now, since I joined the TTC board, but I've never posted because I don't know yet if this is where I belong. But after reading OP's blog, about low morph and unexplained IF, I fear this may be my place.
MH has low testosterone, ED, and low morphology (3%), based off of his one and only SA. I just thought I'd include HIS blog (linked in my siggy) in this post to give anyone who is interested a view of the man's perspective on IF issues.
I've been on the TTC board long enough to know posting without an intorduction isn't always the best idea, but I thought I'd take my chances because I really like this post and am interested in reading about other people's experiences.
July, 2010, DH SA: 3% morph
July, 2010, DH Rx: 50 mg Clomid EOD
BFP: 9/3/10 ~ M/C: 9/7/10
BFP: 10/9/10 ~ My beautiful Grace Dorothy was born on 6/14/11
Beta #1 (12 DPO): 111/24 ~ Beta #2 (16 DPO): 722/23 ~ Beta #3 (20 DPO): 3,338/15.3
BFP: 11/14/11 ~ Spotting/Betas not doubling, but HB of 113 bpm @ 6 wks 1 day!
My Chart
DH's Low Testosterone/ED Blog
Thank you.
July, 2010, DH SA: 3% morph
July, 2010, DH Rx: 50 mg Clomid EOD
BFP: 9/3/10 ~ M/C: 9/7/10
BFP: 10/9/10 ~ My beautiful Grace Dorothy was born on 6/14/11
Beta #1 (12 DPO): 111/24 ~ Beta #2 (16 DPO): 722/23 ~ Beta #3 (20 DPO): 3,338/15.3
BFP: 11/14/11 ~ Spotting/Betas not doubling, but HB of 113 bpm @ 6 wks 1 day!
My Chart
DH's Low Testosterone/ED Blog
I dont have a blog - but I appreciate those who keep one.
Here's my all-time favorite (non TTC):
Thanks for posting this, I just changed my blog name and lost all my ladies.
Blog in siggy!
Me:26 PCOS, IR, MTHFR c677t/c677t, arcuate uterus DH:27 4% morphology
11/2006 Married My DH
Started trying on Honeymoon
2009/2009 4 failed clomid cycles, many BFN, PCOS Study
4/2010 5 rounds of femara resulted in BFP!
6/2010 Lost our little poppy.
7/2010 DX: MTHFR C677t/C677t
2/23/2011 Starting first IUI cycle. Follistim and ovidrel. Fingers crossed...
First IUI=BFN Second IUI=BFN
9/2011: IUI 3,4,5,6 BFN
1/2012 New year New plan... First consult for IVF.
4/3/2012 First day of our 1st IVF cycle..
5/16 ER 14R 6M 5F (25+ empty follicles)
5/19 ET 3dt of 2 grade A 8 cell embabies!!! Stick baby stick
8dp3dt BFP! Beta#1 12dp3dt 136, #2 14dpt 336, #3 16dpt 845
6/19/2012 7w HB 131!!! 6/27/2012 8w HB 173
Baby Delaney is scheduled to be induced Jan 30, 2013!!
Ooo..I have some new blogs to follow. yay!
My blog link is in my siggy
I can't figure out how to "follow" yours... is there a trick to it? haha
Thanks ladies! Sorry I wasn't back on during the day...crazy day at work. But I'm looking forward to catching up on all my new "friends"!